Of Her Observations (Amnesiac/Janitor)

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So, look who's guilty of shipping this.

*points at self*

So this oneshot will be exclusive for the Wattpad version only, so you can only read it here. This will NOT be uploaded to Deviant Art. Keep that in mind.

And some additional info, when it comes to lovey dovey and mushy gushy stuff or generalized more as "fluff", I'm a horrible writer. Call me an edgelord, but I'm honestly better at writing "edgy" scenes or oneshots than cute, fluffy ones. Also keep that in mind.

This will be pretty short, so if it ends really quickly then know I already warned you.


It was a calm, breezy afternoon in Salem, which was a fresh start in a town where the wind rarely blew. The bright, lime green leaves and blooming blossoms adorned trees across the town, alerting all who lived there that spring had arrived. Beautiful and wonderfully scented flowers speckled the grass by walking paths; sunflowers bloomed in grassy fields, where young children began to play hide and seek together, as an old farmer watched from his window sill, remembering the days when he used to be as energetic as the children were. 

A young woman with a short, white haired ponytail thrown over her right shoulder and bandages wrapped around her head, was tapping her foot impatiently on the ground. She had been waiting for a certain someone to meet up with so they could spend the lovely afternoon together. But with how he was obsessed with cleanliness, she should've expected his late coming. 

She sighed sadly, her head filled with thoughts about what she had just read recently read in the library an hour ago. She always did this whenever she was bored - try and recollect everything she could remember, hoping she could spark an old memory, letting her remember everything from before a tragic accident which had led her to today.

She was an amnesiac, who could not remember who she was. She would usually spend most of her time in libraries filled with old age books, cafes stocked with old newspapers, factories containing old posters and news reports, to try and spark her memory of whom she was. Her efforts hadn't done much good for her, but she could now remember what had happened after the accident a bit more clearly.

As far as her memory currently served her, the very earliest memory she could remember was of her waking up in a hospital bed, bandages wrapped around her, wearing bright blue hospital robes and not having a clue on why she was there. The nurses there informed her that she had been part of a horrible accident and was also knocked unconscious in the process, with severe scars scattered across her body. When she had asked what type of accident had she ended up in, the nurses immediately hushed up before excusing themselves out of her hospital room. She didn't know why that had happened, but her curiosity had burned in her head until that very moment.

She suddenly snapped out of her thoughts, to see a couple of a purple haired woman with a fedora placed upon her head and a man with tidy, black hair and green hat walk past her with their hands intertwined. It wasn't uncommon for couples to walk around the park during the spring as it was considered the most romantic season to take a walk with your loved one, so she hadn't been surprised at all. But sometimes, she wished she and her friend were like them. 

When she and him first met at the local library, she was trying to find a certain book, and she had approached him to ask him for help in finding it, thinking he worked there. He ended up helping her find the book anyway, even if he didn't work there, and they became good friends soon afterwards. At the time, she thought of him as a good friend and nothing more. She never expected to grow feelings toward the awkward person. But she guessed people change over time - and so do their feelings for others as well. 

Her smile was always a bit brighter whenever he talked enthusiastically about his obsession with soap or his pet frog, and she was always in the mood to hear him ramble on endlessly about his current identity crisis. She also loved the nervous laugh he would do in uncomfortable situations, and the shy smile he had on his face he had sometimes. When such behavior started happening, she had no clue why she was acting that way, but now she knew why as it was as clear as day; she had feelings for him, and they were undeniable ones.

When she usually had nothing to do while waiting for something or someone, she would carefully observe her surroundings or the people around her, but this time she was lost in her own thoughts about her friend. She was stuck in a fickle situation, as she didn't want to damage the friendship she and him had, but at the same time she wanted to be more than just good friends with him. Heck, there was even a possibility of him not sharing the feelings she had for him and no longer wanting to be her friend due to the risk of future awkwardness in conversations. 


The young woman was dragged back down to Earth at the mention of her name, and she looked up to see her good friend, none other than Yuan Itor.

"I'm here, Yuan. It's great to see you, but what took you so long?" she questioned curiously, getting up from the bench she was sitting on. 

"I had an....errand," he stammered quickly, shifting uncomfortably. This movement, of course, did not escape Edith's eagle eye, but she chose to ignore the odd reaction from the man. 

"Well let's not wait around, shall we? I've got some fun stuff planned out for us," she urged, and they had both began walking away from the scenic park.

Before it had completely gone out of view, she once again caught a glimpse of the young couple leaving the park, hand in hand and laughing about something. Despite how much she would've loved for something like that between herself and Yuan, she knew well she probably shouldn't have high hopes for such a thing to happen. 

No, for now, she would simply just wait.


Hahaha, I bet that was as cringe worthy as Hades for you to read, eh?  

Also, don't worry, future oneshots will be longer than this and I'll make sure they have more of a story to them. So no need to fear, this type of writing is only a one time thing. 

While I'm writing this, I'm currently planning a oneshot similar-ish to the one I did for @GimmeThoseCheerios so that's good and all.

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