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me: i'll make an amazing oneshot about a crack pairing i totally ship

also me: you spent over three weeks on this, just cut it up into a random publish lmao


The medium, a woman with black, short and wavy hair and a navy blue bandana tied around her head, took out a small crystal ball and carefully placed it on a small table draped with a white sheet. Her ruby, floor lengthed skirt, and dark green half apron swished against the table as she sat down on a chair. Murmuring something as her eyes began blinking nervously, cloudy patches of smoke began encircling the crystal ball and soon took form on people; some with pilgrim hats and puffy hair, others with silky, long hair hidden under bonnets; some with long, flowy skirts, others with well-polished dress shoes.

Blinking her eyes again but more confidently, her surroundings were filled with these cloudy, semi transparent figures, talking to others of their sort, some shuffling around, and others fending off to themselves. With yet another blink of her pale, white eyes, she observed all of these figures, searching for a particular figure she had hoped to speak to. 

In the corner of her eye, a figure with a scar over their left eye was looking at herself in fear - clearly, she was Miranda Green, the girl who'd been yet another person unlucky enough to fall victim to a serial killer's blade. Her caramel brown hair seemed to have a tinge of blood at the end of the strands as if the blood had been a part of her before her death.

In another corner, she noticed a young seven-year old who was mourning over his death, a mulberry birthmark evident on his face. He seemed nearly ready to burst into tears, his eyes as watery as a rainy day could be in Salem. In his hands, he clutched a tiny red colored flower, his face sniffling more and more. Surely he missed whoever was likely still alive, maybe of a family member or a dear, good friend. 

The medium breathed a heavy sigh of slight melancholy. She had been hoping to meet the particular person she had in mind, for only they could bring a smile to her face with their conversations these days. Indeed, she'd been reunited with her sister just a couple of days ago and she could always bring a smile on to her face, but the time they spent together had been the light of her life ever since they died.

The medium didn't have a lot of friends growing up - only her sister, but they eventually parted too. It wasn't till recently did they become reunited in joy again. At that time, they would be the only one to keep her company in the long nights; all the other ghosts never really paid attention to her unless they had vital information to give her, and even after that, they'd drift away as quickly as they approached her. 

At last, the night dragged on and on, and she eventually let out a slight huff of disappointment. Perhaps they didn't want to talk to her that night, and she had no understanding why. They always showed up every night. They always approached her every night. They always talked to her every night.

Except for this night, of course.

She got up from her chair and left the small room where she had left her crystal ball on the table, for she couldn't be bothered to tidy that all up at the moment. The ghosts weren't going to disappear till sunrise, anyway, so she might as well go to bed and salvage whatever sleep she could get from the bickering voices echoing in her mind. 

Laying down on her bed, she tried to squeeze her eyes shut and get some sleep, but god forbid, the constant voices of the ghosts ricocheted across her mind without showing any signs of stopping. The voices, they kept her awake every night. Every. Single. Night.

To make matters worse, all these voices were said with no breather, no break, no stopping in between words; some ghosts would even speak at the same time, meddling up and degenerating their words into nothing more but random jibberish she could not make sense of. 

She sighed again and kept trying to sleep. She tried to push these voices out of her head and out of her mind. A good night's rest was considered a blessing for her, as the voices seemed to never leave her. While other people had mesmerizing and beautiful dreams of their impossible fantasies coming true, she was stuck with the constant chatter of a group of grumpy, sad, scared, hell, even happy ghosts. The voices could not leave her.

And so when the drowsiness engulfed her tired body, she couldn't help but smile.   


couldn't you tell i ended up getting lazy about this? 

i hate the fact i procastinate so much. :(

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