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a request for someone on amino. they wanted me to write about an amnesiac arriving at a town.

yes, i do have an amino, i'm @itsyourgirlspooky if you're wondering. 

a little different than my usual writing style, but i decided to step out of my comfort zone and experiment a little.

(a little shameless self-promo but check out my other oneshot collection on my profile if you're interested in more of my works!)


She was confused. Puzzled. Clueless. Every word you could imagine to describe a person in such a state.

She had found herself in a town. A nameless town. A town she didn't know the name of.

She tried to talk to the townsfolk.

"Hey, excuse m- sir!"

They all ignored her. She tried to grab their attention. She tried to put her hand on a man's shoulder.

"Excuse m- wait, what?"

Her hand went right through his shoulder.

Now, she knew why they wouldn't reply to her words.

But that only made her more confused.

"Why?" was all she could ask herself.

Then, she walked. She walked to find a clue, a solution, an answer - just something that could help her.

And so, she walked..... and walked...... and walked... and walked.... and walked......

Until she stopped.

From afar, she saw the back of a woman. A woman dressed in a grey dress. A woman with white hair. She was holding onto something, clutching it, grasping it as if it were more important to her than anything else in the world.

But it was just a suitcase, she realized as she inched closer. Just a small, brown leather suitcase. Surely something so commonplace couldn't hold such a special value.


She could feel her eyes squint as she tried to make out an odd shape in front of the woman. She was facing a dark alleyway, so of course, she couldn't make out what the shape was. She could still take notice of the shape, however. After all, its shadow did loom over the woman, like a predator over their prey.

The woman shifted her arms as if she were to raise up the suitcase in her grip.

But before she could see what happened afterward, she blinked.


When she opened her eyes, everything was gone.

There was now nothing except darkness. Darkness that stretched far and beyond. Darkness that had no start and had no end. An empty void of nothingness. Just...... nothing.

But then, a shrill plethora of screaming voices.

They screeched, shrieked and shouted all at the same time. Their words, leaking with desperation and hopelessness, they made no sense. Their words were all muddled up, muddled up into nothing more than gibberish. Gibberish she could not speak or understand.

She tried to concentrate. She tried to focus. She tried to make sense of their jumbled up words. She tried everything she could to turn these confusing sounds into something meaningful.

She failed.

Instead, they tore up her brain and took the pieces away. They scattered her clear, focus thoughts. They tangled up all her thoughts into strings of words that made no sense. They confused her, scrambled her rationality, befuddled all common sense and logic that she had.

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