{10} Stay

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A splintering headache ignited behind my eyes and I groaned, massaging my forehead.

"Dude, the girl's awake," a masculine voice announced. I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes for the pain wracking my brain was far too great. My glasses were plucked from my face seconds before a wet cloth was draped across my forehead.

"Benji?" The voice called anxiously, "Drew is awake."

The mattress I laid on dipped under the weight of another body and I slid down the small indentation, coming to a rest against the newcomer.

"Uh, Benji," the voice belonging to the body squeaked, "Youneedtogetouthererightnow. Fuego Carlitos is burning up for real."

Peeling my eyes open, I found my nose only centimeters away from Carlos'. His eyes were the size of saucers and I could clearly see every fine detail on his face all the way down to the mole dotting above his upper lip.

"Hi," Carlos greeted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he leaned on an elbow.

Yanking the cloth from my head, I smacked it in Carlos' face, and scooted to the opposite side of the mattress, slumping heavily against the wall.

"Ick," Carlos said, swiping the wet cloth from his face. "Why are you always attacking me?"

I pressed my lips together in a straight line, and refused to answer him. Clenching the plaid bedsheets in my hands, I squinted at Carlos who remained in his relaxed posture on the mattress.

"Benji said you're a boxer," I began to which he nodded. "Did you know my brother?"

Carlos anxiously bit his lip, darting his gaze away from mine momentarily. Hesitantly finding my eyes, he asked, "What did you say your brother's name was again?"

"Leo. Leo Ellis."

"Ah, right. He was perhaps the best boxer in that tournament. Your brother was, and always will be, a legend," Carlos spoke fondly as his eyes became distanced.

"Do you know what happened to Thrasher Jones after that? I'm sure you know the story of how...of how Leo died," I wavered.

He nodded and sat up, folding his legs together. "I know the story, but do you know it?"

"Yes, I watched it happen. Thrasher's fist smashed into-"

Carlos sliced a hand through the air, silencing me. "That's what he wanted everyone to see. Listen, you need to talk to Benji about this."

"Benji? Why Ben-?"

"Oh, you're up," Benji said evenly, glaring menacingly at Carlos who nervously chewed on his nails, muttering, "Speak of the devil."

Standing up too quickly, I felt the blood rush from my face as I stumbled into the wall on shaking limbs. Benji's arm snapped out to steady me, but I shooed it away and took a deep breath.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I decided, excusing myself from the curious looks of the boys.

Locking myself in the small bathroom, I twisted the faucet, and splashed shockingly cold water on my face. Carlos' sudden appearance and cryptic words were scouring my brain. He knew Leo, and Benji coincidentally knew my brother as well.

I need to find out what is going on, I thought.

I shut off the water, sparing a glance at the mirror above the sink. The image was blurry without my glasses, but the haziness failed to disguise the slight tremble to my lips and the dull green eyes that sat deep in my sockets.

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