{24} Count Me In

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I'd been a mess on the drive to Sabrina's house that was a few blocks over from Benji's apartment. Sabrina wordlessly handed me an entire box of tissues and shot me a sideways glance.

"Sorry," I apologized. "This is all just...a lot to take in."

"You shouldn't be the one apologizing," she said sincerely, "I should be. Benji is my brother, and I wanted to protect him. Even I was unaware of the circumstances."

Carlos chimed in from the backseat. "If I had known, I would've tried to stop him. Your brother was a pro at disguising his feelings, but apparently not when he was around Benji."

I didn't say anything to that because I knew he was right; I hadn't even been able to see beneath Leo's mask. For the longest time, no one spoke. We remained in absolute silence, left alone to deal with our own thoughts that plagued our conscience until we'd finally arrived.

Coming to a stop at the top of a steep driveway, Sabrina put the car in park and turned to face me after giving Carlos an indecipherable look through the rear view mirror. "I'll stop by Benji's place tomorrow to pick up your stuff," she offered, "but, I'll get you settled in for now."

I nodded to show I'd heard her, yet I couldn't bring myself to say a word. I'd involuntarily flinched at the mention of Thrasher's real name, feeling a jolt ignite in my heart as I attempted to force his pained expression from my mind.

Sabrina frowned sympathetically before helping her fiancé from the car. The three of us made our way to the front door while Sabrina kept a steady hand wrapped around Carlos' elbow until we'd made it inside.

The rest of the night had been uneventful. Sabrina and Carlos respected the fact that I'd felt the need to be alone, and allowed me privacy in the living room where Sabrina had set up a cot. A single blanket and pillow decorated the thin mattress that I'd collapsed atop of, releasing a scream into the pillow. The scars on my wrists begged to be reopened and rid of the poisoned, betrayed blood running through my veins.

I desperately longed for the comforting, gentle hug from a loving mother, as well as the strong, soothing voice of a fearless father. The unbreakable connection shared between siblings had been snipped the moment Benji had cut Leo from my life.

I'd fallen asleep that night with eyes devoid of tears and a heart lacking warmth.


I'd awoken to the peaceful chirps of birds the next morning and rubbed my temples to ward off the unwanted memories of the previous day. I groggily stretched my aching limbs with a yawn, and sat up on the stiff cot before venturing through the house in search of a bathroom.

I'd been thankful that Sabrina's modest home was only one-story or else I'd undoubtedly have difficulty navigating through it. I found what I supposed to be the bathroom easily enough. A simple sign that hung from a nail displayed the message, Baño, which I guessed to be Carlos' personal flair.

Tucking my overgrown bangs behind an ear, I twisted the doorknob and pushed it open. A high pitched yelp on the other side of the door caused me to jump back, throwing a hand over my eyes to shield my vision of a naked Carlos.

"Ah!" He shrieked as he pulled the towel tighter around his waist, stumbling a bit on his unbroken leg, "Drew!"

"My bad!" I yelled, blindly reaching out for the doorknob. I clumsily smacked a hand into the door, sliding my hand down the length of it until I'd found the brass knob and yanked the door shut.

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