{5} Say Something

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"No!" I yelled, desperately making a grab for the back of Benji's black shirt. The thick fabric slid right out of my grasp, and he plunged to the ground. Although I'd seen him pull the stunt once before, I still was apprehensive about the outcome.

Barging back inside the apartment, I smacked into Sabrina who had been inconspicuously listening to the entire conversation. Awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck, she took a step back, and sheepishly apologized, "I, uh, sorry. I was-"

Snagging her wrist in my hand, I dragged her with me, interrupting her as I said, "No time. We have to get down now."

The urgency of my words seemed to spur an intense understanding in Sabrina as her features hardened and she nodded, following me out the door and down the rickety stairs.

I barreled through the final door, practically knocking it clean off its rusted hinges as Sabrina and I burst outside.

We rounded the corner of the raggedy building in time for the sickening sound of flesh against flesh to reach our ears. I flinched as if I'd been on the receiving end of the punch, knowing it wouldn't have been the first time.

I reached the two boys as they faced off against each other with Sabrina hot on my heels. A dark red splotch pulsed on Jackson's cheek as he spat a wad of blood from his mouth. The liquid splattered on the pavement, causing bile to rise in the back of my throat as I became nauseous.

Benji expertly bounced on the balls of his feet with his arms bent and raised in front of his chest, hands constricted in tight fists. One arm was slightly higher than the other, angled more toward his face as a shield. The studded earring in his ear glistened, enrapturing my attention.

Adversely, Jackson squinted at his opponent in an obvious attempt at mimicking Benji's stance. He awkwardly folded his hands to make them into fists, using his fiery eyes as his only weapon as he shot daggers at Benji who seemed to deflect the daggers with his own hazel knives.

"Is that all you've got?" Jackson provoked with an evil grin that displayed the blood staining his teeth.

Benji's lips pressed together in a straight line and Sabrina froze beside me, dread chewing at her gorgeous features. I made a move to put a stop to the fight between the boys who were oblivious to the two girls who were acting as bystanders when Sabrina placed a hand on my shoulder.

"There's nothing we can do," she said in defeat, "We'll just end up getting hurt."


"Benji is..." she trailed off, "he fell apart long ago. Nothing will stop him now."

A gasp escaped my lips when Jackson launched himself at Benji with his arms swinging. Benji hadn't been prepared for the attack when Jackson's fist clipped his chin. His head snapped to the side, and his guard dropped, allowing Jackson the opportunity to pursue with his assault.

Sabrina grimaced when Jackson's fist connected with her brother's face for a second time, busting open his lower lip. Bright red blood ruptured from the wound, spilling down his neck before disappearing under the collar of his shirt.

I was stunned when Benji didn't even attempt to defend himself or fight back. He stood stock still, flicking his head at Jackson as he swiped the blood gushing from his lip on the back of his hand. With a scowl, he angrily darted a look my way, daring to take his eyes off of Jackson to hitch an eyebrow at me.

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