{16} Little Bit of Truth

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I clutched Benji's shirt in my hands as my heart raced at his words. I'll be waiting, he'd said before kissing the top of my head.

More than anything, the strong feelings I had for Benji frightened me. Anyone I'd ever been close to, anyone I'd ever loved, was no longer a part of my life. First it had been my parents, then Leo, and finally Jackson. I couldn't imagine losing Benji on top of that list, which had been the reason I'd immediately taken back my confession.

"I can't," I said, placing my hands rigidly on his chest to distance myself, "I shouldn't have said that." I bowed my head and allowed my hair to hang limply around my face since I could not bring myself to look at him.

Benji gently tucked my bangs behind my ear and placed two fingers under my chin, tilting my face up to his. My hands fell to my sides in defeat as my body trembled, betraying how I truly felt about him.

He touched his forehead to mine and captured my eyes in the intensity of his gaze, whispering, "All I've been doing these past two years is waiting; waiting for the time in that hourglass to run out so I could leave this place once and for all. And you know what?"

I shook my head, unable to form any words.

"I'm tired of waiting. I lied to you. I don't think I can wait, Drew. If you're not ready to admit it yet, then I will," he said, making me take a sharp breath when his lips grazed mine.

I bit my lip to prevent myself from speaking as my heart pounded even faster. Benji's eyes dipped to my mouth as his voice huskily deepened.

"When I'm with you, there is no time. I feel like the time stops and it's just the two of us. You saved my life, defying the odds by literally restarting my time when I'd just about given up," he said, "and for that, I'm not going to wait any longer."

My mind lagged, failing to keep up with the sincere words that poured out from his mouth. I wanted to break the hourglass and make it shatter into a million pieces if it meant that Benji and I could remain together like this for the rest of eternity without the disturbance of time.

"I'm in love with you, Drew," Benji said, "You don't have to say anything right now because we have all the time in the world."

I surprised myself when I stood on my tippy toes and pulled Benji's face down to mine, pressing my lips to his.

"Oh!" A shocked gasp sounded out, tearing Benji and I apart from each other. I quickly twisted around to find Sabrina at the door with keys jangling around her finger as she set the enormous garbage bag down on the floor. Neither Benji nor I had heard her enter.

Covering her face with a hand, Sabrina peeked through the gaps between her fingers, and said, "Please ignore me. I've come to drop off my little bro's laundry and I will be on my way now." Sabrina slipped out from the apartment, closing the door behind her as if she hadn't been there at all.

"Way to ruin the moment, Sab," Benji chuckled, tightening the bandana that was around his head.

I joined in his laughter, claiming, "It's fine. I have to study anyway."

Benji scrunched his nose disdainfully. "I'll be over there watching TV," he said, gesturing to the small television in the kitchen, "if you need my help, just let me know. I was the valedictorian of my class."

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