{29} Crazy in Love

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Benji would have to stay in the hospital for at least another week while not only the physical injuries healed, but the mental ones as well. He'd undergone a few more x-rays and had his broken nose shifted back in place. Sabrina, Carlos, and I had visited him each day for the past three days, and I'd already been debating if I should just skip the Sadie Hawkins Dance to spend the night with Benji instead.

Carlos wouldn't mind not attending since he was only going for my sake. I also wasn't sure if I could face Clara without initiating a full blown argument on how her brother had paralyzed Benji, almost killing him.

Yesterday, I'd asked Benji if I should go to the dance which he'd replied by saying that I definitely should go. I was a senior and this would have been my last chance to go to the dance.

"Come with me then," I'd said, tangling my fingers with his.

Chuckling, Benji had turned me down. "I can't leave the hospital yet and I was never a good dancer even before..." he'd trailed off, referring to his permanent injury.

So there I was, standing in front of a mirror in the lacy black dress that Sabrina had bought for me while she applied a slight layer of makeup to my face.

"And...Done!" She exclaimed, happily clapping her hands as she spun me around to face the mirror.

I practically had to do a double take once I caught sight of my reflection. Sabrina had done an incredible job with my hair and makeup, transforming me completely.

Black mascara made my eyelashes longer and caused my green eyes pop. She'd pulled back my dark hair, allowing a few strands to dangle free and frame my face.

I could hardly recognize myself as I said, "Wow. Sabrina, I...thank you so much."

Giving me a quick hug, Sabrina replied, "No problem! You're going to have a great night."

I hadn't been so sure about her bold statement, but after taking at least a thousand pictures beside Carlos in his sleek tuxedo, the smile on my face had become genuine.

Carlos was no longer on crutches and his cast had been removed. Yet, he still had to wear a special brace that looked like a boot which allowed for walking with ease despite the minuscule limp.

"Shall we?" Carlos grinned with a wink as he stuck out his elbow in front of Crestbrook High. Sabrina peeled out of the parking lot and I nodded, matching his smile as I linked my arm in his.

The two of us confidently strode inside the building, headed straight for the gymnasium that had been altered by the decorations, and found a vacant table in the strobe lights.

Music blared throughout the gym as bodies gyrated to the beat of the pop song. I pulled out a seat as Carlos did the same, and we sat down.

"Well," I sighed, "Now what?" Jackson and I had agreed to never go to any homecoming dances or proms in the past, so I'd never even asked him to the Sadie Hawkins Dance. I had no idea what else there was to do at a dance besides, well, dance.

Carlos hitched an eyebrow and gestured to the dance floor. "How about we da-"

"Drew? You didn't tell me that you were dating Fuego Carlitos!"

I twisted around in my seat and immediately tensed when I found Clara standing behind me. She was wearing a strapless, navy blue dress that hugged her curves. The top half was bedazzled in jewels that sparkled in the multicolored lights and her date couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of her.

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