The Mystery Is (Almost) Solved

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On Monday, Sofia and Hugo were in their gardening class, looking at the enchanted roses they grew.

"Those seeds really work like a charm," Hugo smiled. Suddenly, something caught his eye. "Hey, is that a ladybug?"

It was true—there was a ladybug crawling out of the flowers. The ladybug flew up to Sofia and landed on her arm. The ladybug started to crawl on Sofia's arm.

"Oh, that tickles," giggled Sofia.

When Hugo and Sofia weren't looking, Amber crept up on Hugo and put an enchanted lily seed on Hugo's back, and an enchanted lily grew. Sofia was still giggling as the ladybug tickled her arm when she let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," Hugo said.

"Thanks," Sofia sniffled. "Okay, what is going on here?"

"It smells like lilies are nearby, but there aren't any," Hugo frowned.

Sofia reached into her carpet bag to pull out her mask and goggles, but she couldn't find them. "What in tarnation?" she frowned. "Where are they?"

"Where are what?" Hugo asked.

"I packed my allergy-proof masks and goggles in my bag, but they're not here," Sofia said. Then she let out a sneeze.

Amber was starting to get a little concerned when she saw Hildegard trying not to look suspicious. "Hildy, what did you do?" she asked.

"Just this," Hildegard gulped with a smile. She showed Amber that she had Sofia's allergy-proof equipment.

"You stole Sofia's things?" Amber gasped. "She needs those."

Sofia let out a sneeze. "Okay, something weird is going on," she sniffled. "This mystery obviously doesn't involve making a wish that I was allergic to you."

Later, at Albuquerque Palace, Sofia was still sneezing when Hugo was around.

"Something weird is definitely going on," Hugo frowned. "I smell like enchanted lilies, and it doesn't even seem like someone made a wish that you were allergic to me."

Hugo's big brother Axel entered their bedroom, and he noticed the lilies on Hugo's jacket. "Hugo, why do you have a boutonniere on your back?" he asked.

Hearing his brother's question, Hugo turned around and asked, "Huh?"

Sofia noticed the lilies on Hugo. "He's right, Hugo—you have a lily boutonniere on your back," she agreed. She tried to remove the flowers, but they made her sneeze.

"Bless you," Axel said. "Here, let me at it." He carefully removed the lilies from Hugo's jacket. "Yikes, it's like these flowers were planted on your clothes."

"Well, now we know why I've been sneezing around you, Hugo," Sofia smiled.

"But wait—flowers don't magically grow on people," Hugo frowned. "How did this happen?"

"If I'm right, it looks like these lilies were grown from the enchanted lily seeds we had at the gardening club meeting on Friday," Sofia surmised. "Someone must've taken the lily seeds from the trash and put them on you when we weren't looking."

"Weird," Hugo said.

Sofia the First: Aim to SneezeWhere stories live. Discover now