Green-Eyed Princesses

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Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo are very best friends. In fact, they're such good friends that some people think Sofia and Hugo have been friends since they met—but that's not true.

Sofia and Hugo had a rocky start. They used to dislike each other, and Hugo was a completely different person: he was rude, arrogant, obnoxious, and misogynistic. He disliked Sofia for proving that flying derby is a princess thing, and Sofia disliked him for his arrogance. But when Sofia and Hugo were paired to ride in the flying derby championships, Sofia found out the reason for Hugo's personality, and she got him to work with her for the championships. It wasn't easy, but it was worth not only winning the Flying Crown but becoming friends.

Since then, Hugo and Sofia really seemed to be in love, and sometimes their friends and family playfully tease them about it, but they don't mind. Hugo liked Sofia because she cared about his personality and well-being. Sofia liked Hugo because he was protective of her to the point where he is quick to come to her rescue.

Since Sofia and Hugo became best friends, their friends and family had been supporting them. But sometimes Amber, Hildegard, and Clio can get a little jealous of the duo's friendship.

It was another day at Royal Prep. Amber, Hildegard, and Clio were in their sewing class, and they had each made a new dress. They were hoping Hugo would be impressed with their outfits.

Amber's gown was gold with matching dark gold gauze ruffle/flounces around the neckline and on the bottom.

Hildegard's dress was teal with short puffy sleeves, long green undersleeves, and a green-blue underskirt.

Clio's gown was pink with puffy sleeves, red undersleeves, and a white underskirt.

"Oh, our new gowns are just divine," Amber gushed.

"They sure are," Clio agreed.

"Prince Hugo will love these," Hildegard grinned. "We should put these on before next class hour because he'll be in the library."

Amber, Hildegard, and Clio put on their new gowns. It was now time for the next class, and Hugo was in the library studying. The three princesses went up to him and said in unison, "Hi, Prince Hugo!"

But Hugo just looked up, barely even looking at the three princesses, and said, "Hey there."

"Do you see anything different about us?" Amber asked.

Hugo just looked up at the trio and guessed, "You gained weight. No, you each had a haircut."

Amber, Clio, and Hildegard were disappointed. Hugo barely even looked at their gowns—he seemed more interested in his history book.

"Prince Hugo, look," Hildegard urged. "We have new gowns."

"Interesting—you'll have to show them to me sometime," Hugo said, not even looking at the trio.

The princesses were a little upset that Hugo wasn't interested in their gowns. He seemed awfully anxious as he read his book. They didn't know why or how that book was more important than them.

"What's in that book that interests you so much?" Clio asked.

"I'm trying to study," Hugo frowned. "We have that history test today, remember?"

"Today?" Amber asked. "No, the test isn't until Thursday."

"Today is Thursday!" Hugo snarled.

The trio was shocked that Hugo had snapped at them like that.

"Well, you've been studying every day for two weeks already," Hildegard protested.

"I know, and I really want to do well on this test," Hugo groaned.

"Can't you take a break and look at what's around you?" Amber urged.

"I would, but I really need to study," Hugo frowned. "Shouldn't you be studying for the test?"

"We've got it down already," Hildegard scoffed. "You should really take a load of your eyes."

"Look, I'd really like to look at your frilly frocks, but I need to study for the history test!" Hugo glared. "Can't you at least take the time to back off?"

Mrs. Higgins—the librarian—came up and said, "Ladies, Prince Hugo has kindly asked you to leave him alone. If you could do what he asked, it would be much appreciated."

Amber, Hildegard, and Clio left Hugo alone much to his relief. The girls were embarrassed, and they couldn't believe Hugo snapped at them like that. Amber's twin brother, James, showed up with his friends Princes Zandar, Khalid, and Derek—and the boys were laughing at the girls.

"What are you laughing at?" Amber asked.

"You failed to impress Hugo—as always," Derek teased.

"We don't always fail to impress him—he liked my fan with his picture on it," Amber protested.

"That was a long time ago, Amber," James pointed out. "Hugo is a completely different person now—and now he thinks your fan is creepy."

"I guess," Amber sighed.

Meanwhile, Sofia showed up and saw Hugo looking jumpy. Seeing his plight really concerned her.

"Are you okay, Hugo?" Sofia asked.

"I'm fine, Sofia," Hugo replied. "I'm just freaking out about the history test."

"Maybe you need to calm down a little—this anxiety will keep you from concentrating," Sofia told him as she rubbed his back.

"I guess you're right," Hugo sighed. "I guess I can stop long enough to do this."

Hugo pulled out a little pink box, and inside was an amethyst purple choker necklace.

"Wow, it's beautiful," Sofia gaped.

"Dad gave it to Mom on their wedding day," Hugo smiled. "Mom found it when she was rummaging through her jewelry. She thought you'd like it, so she asked me to give it to you. It'll look great with your amulet." He put the necklace on Sofia.

"Thank you, Hugo," Sofia smiled. She and Hugo hugged tightly.

Amber, Hildegard, Clio, James, Derek, Zandar, and Khalid had seen this—and it made the girls very jealous.

"Well, good luck trying to do that," James teased the girls.

The girls didn't think that was very funny. They had no idea how Sofia gets Hugo to do such nice things for her just like that.

After school, Sofia and Hugo met up. Hugo had finally calmed down now that the history test was over.

"After two weeks of studying for that test, hopefully you can finally relax," Sofia stated.

"Yeah, and tomorrow is Friday," Hugo agreed. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"You got it," Sofia smiled.

Hugo climbed into his coach, and Sofia got into hers with Amber and James. Amber was eyeballing Sofia jealously.

"That's a beautiful necklace, Sof," James smiled. "Did Hugo give it to you?"

"Thanks, and yes, he did," Sofia blushed.

"Wow, it looks beautiful, especially with your amulet," James gushed.

"Thanks, Sofia smiled.

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