A Mystery at Hand

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The next day, Hugo arrived at Enchancia Castle, wearing his flying derby uniform. Sofia came out, wearing her purple uniform.

"Hey, Sofia," Hugo smiled. "Ready to fly?"

"Ready," Sofia nodded. But then her tummy growled loudly. That meant that she was hungry.

"I think you need a snack before we hit the sky," Hugo giggled.

"Let's go inside then," Sofia suggested.

Inside, Sofia and Hugo were snacking on fruits and veggies. When they weren't looking, Hildegard crawled under the table and put a seed on Hugo's boot. Then a lily magically grew.

Later, Sofia and Hugo went to the stables to get their horses when Sofia let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," Hugo said.

"Thanks," Sofia grinned. But then she let out another sneeze, and her eyes were a little watery and itchy. "What's going on?"

"This is weird," Hugo frowned.

"Do you think someone we know found a wish-granting jewel and made a wish that I was allergic to you?" Sofia asked, sniffling.

"I hope not," Hugo replied. "But it doesn't seem like it—I've not even been surrounded by a flash of light."

Sofia let out another sneeze. "Excuse me," she smiled sheepishly. "Hugo, can you wait for me here? I'm going to get something."

"Go on," Hugo said.

Sofia went off to find something while Hugo waited patiently. Suddenly, Amber, Hildegard, and Clio jumped out and screamed, "Hi, Prince Hugo!"

Hugo jumped at this sound—and he wasn't too happy to see them because they scared him half to death. "Girls, you know I hate that!" he glared.

"Sorry, Prince Hugo, but we had to keep you company," Hildegard smiled haughtily. "Sofia is going to find something, and you have to wait for her here."

Hugo was getting creeped out by this. "Okay," he said awkwardly. "Well, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing really," Amber declared. "We just wanted to see you."

"That's nice," Hugo said.

Suddenly, Sofia showed up, wearing goggles and a mask. "Here I am," she smiled.

Amber, Hildegard, and Clio were shocked that Sofia was back, and they had to stare at her.

"Sofia, what are you wearing?" Amber gasped.

"Something on Hugo is making me sneeze, which is weird because it seems like nobody made a wish that I was allergic to him," Sofia replied. "I went to put these on, so I wouldn't sneeze myself to death."

"Well, now that you're here, let's get riding," Hugo grinned. He and Sofia took off on their horses. Amber, Hildegard, and Clio were very shocked—not only because Hugo took off with Sofia but because she was wearing something to keep her from sneezing.

"I forgot Sofia has goggles and masks to keep her from sneezing when her allergies are around," Amber muttered.

"Then we'll have to steal her masks and goggles, so she can still sneeze while Prince Hugo is around," Hildegard declared.

Amber didn't want Sofia to steal Hugo anymore, but she started to feel like this was going too far. "Hildegard, I don't think that's a good idea," she declared. "I don't want Sofia to win Hugo all the time, but I don't to steal her sneeze-proof equipment."

"Suit yourself," Hildegard shrugged.

Later, Sofia and Hugo were done with their ride.

"Well, that was fun," Hugo smiled.

"Yeah, but we still need to figure out why I suddenly sneeze around you," Sofia frowned.

"Oh, well, maybe you'll feel better tomorrow," Hugo shrugged.

"Yeah," Sofia smiled.

Meanwhile, Hildegard was ready to go home when she had something with her—she had stolen Sofia's masks and goggles, so Sofia won't be able to stop sneezing when Hugo is around so long as he has enchanted lilies on him.

Sofia the First: Aim to SneezeWhere stories live. Discover now