Chapter 14: The Flesh

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Maxis Quote 11


The energy fields are no longer disrupting my communication via electrical devices. You will hear me, and you should listen.

The SDC soldiers as well as many Chinese civilians were now zombies here. Here, Richtofen replaced the H*llhounds with Jumping Jacks, which were a mutated form of Phasing Zombie. By this time, all of the Nova-6 was gone, but they were agile and could spawn at Richtofen's will. While fighting against the zombies, one of the survivors obtained a sniper rifle.

Richtofen Quote 18


We must neutralize any errant energy fields in order to prevent Maxis from enacting his plan. Take whatever action is necessary to ensure that the sources do not fall under his control, [laughs] if you can find them!

Maxis Quote 12


You will need the weapon you hold in due time. Make sure you guard it with your life.

Maxis and Richtofen then both tried to talk to the survivors at the same time. Maxis spoke through electronic devices. Richtofen spoke through Samuel. They were both saying that they needed to keep that weapon. The survivors then turned the power on, and they found that the mall and sweatshop shared a power grid.

Richtofen Quote 19


Vital energy flows for all things, living or dead. My ability to manipulate these walls is fragile and limited. That is why I need your help. [laughs] Dummkopf!

Richtofen then told Samuel that he was glad they turned the power on, but he needed more of his help. The Survivors then stepped on four panels on top of the elevators.

Richtofen Quote 20


Yes! The energy fields are growing, but further manipulation is need before we achieve... ah... control.

Maxis Quote 13


The alignment has begun. You are on the right path. Please, continue. You must trigger the symbols in the correct order, an order that only trial and error will reveal.

Maxis and Richtofen then told the Survivors that what they had done had affected the power output, but they needed more to be done. The Survivors then stepped on four panels with Chinese symbols surrounding the area.

Maxis Quote 14


Excellent! The energy fields are changing, transforming, flowing. Ah, you are on the right path. You must look for objects of steel. With the appropriate weapon, their energy fields can be manipulated.

Maxis and Richtofen were pleased. Maxis told them to find some balls of steel. They found them, using the sniper rifle, in the dragon signs' mouths. They were ancient Chinese spheres of steel. One represented fire, and the other represented light. They shot them, dislodging them.

Maxis Quote 15


It is working! The sphere has relocated! Now, one more must be found.

Richtofen Quote 21


The balls! It's all about the balls! You must purge their energy before Maxis interferes! Perhaps a rapid liquidification will suffice, yeah? Then do it!

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