Chapter 15: End of Victus

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Maxis Quote 29


My communications are more fractured below ground. It is essential that you find the parts needed capable of delivering the power needed to the tower above ground.

Resolution 1295 Dialogue 1


Samuel? Samuel Stuhlinger?


What? Oh no, not again!


Calm yourself, Samuel. We're all friends here, are we not?


Uh... Not really. Me and Russman are buddies, but... uh... I hate that girl with a passion.


We have no time for such petty rivalries, mein freund. I fear Maxis may manipulate your companions into following his orders. He can be a very convincing liar! I know this first-hand. For now you must focus on only gaining control of the tower above ground. It is more important than you can possibly imagine!


So... no pressure then?


The components necessary to build an energy conduit to power the tower can only source from this location. When you find them, you must ensure they are not used to help Maxis!

Both Richtofen and Maxis tried more to behave themselves, be nice, and appeal to the Survivors to convince them to power the Mining Tower, again forcing them to choose between Richtofen and Maxis. Richtofen treated them as he had done earlier. Every time they died fighting zombies in the Battle of Buried, he spawned them back to life for them to try again, desperately hoping they'd choose to help him. The mining operation above, along with the buried town below, were collectively known as Resolution 1295. At one point, the Survivors managed to build another NavCard Reader just like they had in Green Run and Great Leap Forward. They inserted the NavCard they had found into the NavCard Reader, which accepted it. They also found a NavCard in Resolution 1295. In between deaths, Richtofen spawned them back in the Green Run area just long enough to place that NavCard in the NavCard Reader there, which accepted it. So then, all the NavCard Readers were working, something that was essential for all of the Towers to work. While they were in the town, they found a very tall man in overalls, unable to perform speech, who was strong and immune to zombies, trapped in a jail cell. Not knowing his real name, they referred to him as the "Big Guy". They used a key to let him out, and they gave him booze and candy to entice him to help them.

In one version of events, the Survivors came upon a Guillotine in the town, to Richtofen's amusement.

Richtofen Quote 34


Ah, perfect! A guillotine! Find and bring the parts to this location! Together we will thwart Maxis! Don't worry, we won't actually need to cut off his head. I was talking metaphorically. Also, decapitations can follow if time permits.

Maxis Quote 30


You must follow my instructions without further delay. Please, continue.

Richtofen told them that the Guillotine could be used to further his goals. They went to go find the parts to add to the Guillotine to fulfill Richtofen's plan. They added a dish, some wires, a strange crystal, and an antenna to the Guillotine.

Richtofen Quote 35


Wonderful! You have done so well, but we are not finished yet. Listen for my helpful advice. I can only apologize if it seems cryptic. I cannot see so well from here.

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