Chapter 27: Gorod Krovi

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Gorod Krovi Opening


This was part of the plan, Richtofen?!


Not exactly!


There! He's got a parachute!


Pull the reserve!

The Heroes landed in Stalingrad right in front of Nikolai piloting the Manticore. Nikolai took a drink of vodka and resumed killing, not caring if the Heroes were in his way, but a Dragon grabbed him, flew off, and tossed him aside. The zombies' eyes turned red for Monty was watching their fight in the Battle of Gorod Krovi with intent to intervene. As the Heroes fought zombies, Russian Mangler Soldiers, and Valkyrie Drones, they discussed their troubles, including the trip to get the blood vials.

Gorod Krovi Dialogue 1


So, Richtofen, are we going to talk about the blood?


You can if you want, though I don't imagine it will be a particularly riveting conversation.


You took us on a little whistle stop tour of some other locations, said we all needed the blood vials.


I was right. This subject is very boring. Can we talk about something else?


Okay, maybe you start telling me your endgame, specifically what you plan to do with all our souls rattling around in the Summoning Key?


The house. We have to get to the house. We'll be there soon.


You mention "the house" as if we have the faintest idea what you're talking about.


The house, didn't I tell you? It's where we'll be safe forever and ever.


Tell me something and give me a straight answer or I swear I'm gonna punch you in the gumballs! Now, whose idea was this plan of yours?


I- You know, I really don't know. I'm getting confused again.

Gorod Krovi Dialogue 2


Are you ready to face your own demons, Nikolai? Are you prepared for what lies ahead?


What lies ahead? Say what you mean, German! You are referring to the fate of my eternal soul.


Your soul is not in danger, Nikolai. The Summoning Key will contain it, keep it safe.


For what purpose?! I have yet to hear you explain what you plan to do when have our souls.


The madness around you will not last forever, Nikolai. I have told you before. Everything I do has purpose. I aim to make things better, for all of us.


I have long since given up trying to make sense of your riddles, Richtofen. War is all I will truly understand. You have not explained the purpose behind our last journey. You know what I am referring to.

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