Chapter 26: Zetsubou No Shima

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Zetsubou No Shima Opening


密航者共をデッキに上げろ!この恥じさを知れんか!日本を裏切り、 陛下に仇なすとは !

[Bring those stowaways to the deck! You shameless rat! You dare betray Japan and the emperor himself!]


Take it easy, Tak.



[How did all of you manage to recover this lost artifact?!]


I am sorry! I don't speak Japanese.



[Are none of you going to answer me?!]


The object in your hand, it's gonna bring you nothing but pain! Believe me! I know!



[Throw these useless rats into the ocean!]


I am an envoy of the Emperor himself! I am no traitor! [Fighting ensues]


No no no! [Almost drops key]


That was close!


Yes, a little too close.


We must go, now! [Explosion]

A Japanese officer tried to speak to the Heroes, demanding to know where they found the Summoning Key. Communication however broke down into fighting, and the ship was destroyed. The Heroes floated to the shore of Zetsubou No Shima on a small, overturned boat. The island was overrun with zombies and plants. Zetsubou No Shima was swampy, and Element 115 leached into the water, soil, and plants. Some hybrid abominations of zombies and plants called Thrashers attacked them as well. They began their search for the Nu Realm Takeo, while fighting zombies to survive in the Battle of Zetsubou No Shima. Meanwhile, Doctor Peter McCain was an American spy within Group 935, and on an infiltration mission, he acquired two weapon prototypes invented by Porter, the GKZ-45 and Ray Gun Mark 3. He flew over Zetsubou No Shima in a B17 for his next mission, but a freak spacetime weather event crashed the plane, and the Heroes saw the plane crash into the island. Meanwhile, the mysterious woman who was Peter's handler left him a message, hoping that he didn't die.

Der Eisendrache Cipher 7


Mission log entry forty-five. I am over the site, looking down through the open door. I can see weird distortion below me like a localized aurora borealis. I would normally cancel the operation but we don't have time. Luckily I have taken experimental weaponry version three that no one has seen before from my previous mission. Never say never - Peter

Gorod Krovi Cipher 10 


It was a strange plane with landing hard. In a way we passed through time and space, flying over the areas that should not be there. Hmmm there was no sign that the remains. I do not know where it landed, honest.

Revelations Radio 12


R-4808n 27 14 06 115 48 40.

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