Chapter 4✔️

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Emoji Chapter:➕Added Scenes/Chapter

Same Day: Earth, London, England
Inside: Restaurant 🔭

Jane's still on a date with Richard, Evelyn and Darcy just left the restaurant, after showing Jane something on their scientific equipment, making her distracted and think about it.

Jane tells Richard, referring to Darcy, "She needs help." She and Richard return back to staring at their menus.

Richard tells Jane as he reads the menu, "I think I'm gonna have sea bass."

Jane agrees distracted, "Sea bass, yeah. Sea bass is good." She repeats the words, distracted, "Sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass. Sea bass..." Richard looks at her, "Sea bass."

Richard grabs Jane's attention, "Jane?" He closes his menu and looks at her knowingly, "Maybe you should stop saying 'sea bass' and go after your friends."

Jane closes and puts down her menu, looking at Richard apologetically, "This was so fun."

Richard looks down, "I'll just stay here and say 'sea bass' alone."

Outside: Street

Jane adjusts her coat on as she leaves the restaurant, she walks over to her car at the curb.

Inside: Jane's Car 🔭

Jane gets in the passenger seat and finds Darcy in the drivers seat on her right with Evelyn in the backseat, both waiting for her.

Jane tells Darcy, "And I hate you."

Darcy defends, "What? I said he was cute."

Evelyn unamused tells Darcy, "Just shut up and drive." Darcy smiles and switches gears with her left hand before starting to drive.

Outside: City of London

Jane's car driving on a bridge.

Inside: Jane's Car 🔭

As Darcy drives, Jane looks out the window, the silence interrupted by a man voice, "You need to take the next left."

Jane gasps and sits back in her seat frightened as she sees a guy pop up from the backseat beside Evelyn on her right, Jane asks Darcy, "Who's he?"

Darcy answers casually, "He's my intern."

Jane looks at Darcy confused, "You have an intern?"

Darcy glances at Jane, "Oh, yeah."

Jane turns in her seat to look at Evelyn behind her, "Did you know about this?"

Evelyn shrugs, telling Jane honestly, "I only found out today." She met him before Jane got in the car.

The intern smiles at Jane, speaking in his British accent, "Hello, Doctor. Foster. It's a.. It's a great honour to be working with ya."

Jane nods, "Right. I have to call Eric." She takes out her phone from her pocket.

The intern looks down at his GPS unit, "Oh, take a right." The tires screeching as Darcy makes a sharp turn to the right, everyone holding onto something.

Outside: Street

Darcy takes a right turn, almost bumping into traffic, the intern's voice, "And a left." Darcy then turns left into the next street.

Darcy's voice, saying confidently, "I have totally mastered driving in London."

Inside: Jane's Car

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