Chapter 19✔️

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Emoji Chapter:🤺 Fight/➕Added Scenes/Chapter

Same Day: Earth, London, England
Outside: Greenwich University Campus Grounds 🏹

Sue turns and throws her dagger to Dark Elf 3, stabbing him in the neck, her eyes glowing, she dodges her head to the right as Dark Elf 4 stabs forward at her and Sue quickly lifts her left elbow and hits Dark Elf 4 back in the face.

Sue quickly lifts her right hand behind her back before ducking forward as Dark Elf 5 swings horizontally at her, Sue stands straight as she takes out her bow and arrow, turning around and firing a shot at Dark Elf 5's chest.

Sue takes out another arrow, she looks where Thor is located and quickly lines up her arrow and fires at Dark Elf 4 as he stand up and charged at her. Sue then turns around lifting her bow up to stop Dark Elf 7 swing, she glares hard at him.

Thor stands up and charges towards Malekith who sends another blast of the Aether at Thor (Slow Motion), Thor sees the blast coming and lowers down, sliding across the cement before standing up, his hammer lights up with lightening as Thor swings forward and hits Malekith in the chest (Slow Motion Over).

Malekith flies back into a portal, lightening still around Thor's hammer and he runs forward where a faint blue-outline of the portal remain and suddenly Thor gets hit back by Malekith as he came back through the portal as if he didn't leave, Thor flips back before he lands on the ground, hitting against a crushed car.

Inside: University Library 🔭🏹

The students realize there's a fight outside and runs to the windows to watch. Evelyn, Jane and Erik run in.

Jane shouts to the students, "What are you all doing? You need to get out of here, now!"

A male student questions Jane as the three run past, "You're joking, right?" He holding his phone towards the window, "That's Thor out there!" He moves his hand, trying to imitate Thor's hammer, "He's waving his hammer around and everything! With that woman, Sue, firing her arrows!" He pulls his arm back a bit trying to imitate Sue's bow and arrow before turning back to the window.

Outside: Uni Campus Grounds

Thor jumps and slams his lightening hammer to Malekith who raised his arm to block and it causes a energy-wave, the ripple tears up the ground towards the library building and causes the windows to shatter.

Inside: Uni Campus Library 🔭

(Slow Motion) All the students duck for cover as the shattered glass falls, some screaming in fright, Evelyn cover her head with her arm and turns her head to see behind her before looking forward as she runs down the stairs.

Outside: Uni Campus Grounds

Malekith uses his Aether strength to force Thor back, sending him in the air, Thor hitting the stone balcony railing as he does. Malekith stares at a distant Thor and steps forward, doesn't realize Thor's flying back before he got closer and tackles him back, both flying through a portal with a bunch of cars getting sucked backwards with them.

Svartalfheim: Field

Thor, Malekith and the bunch of cars, come flying through the portal and tumbles across the black sand dunes of Svartalfheim.

They crash down a hill, both grunting and fighting a bit as the cars, Malekith and Thor roll down the hill and go over a cliff, falling into a ravine, but they ripple through another portal.

Earth: London, England

Malekith and Thor fall through the air above London with a few cars following, Thor twists and hits Malekith with his hammer, falling to the street but the two goes through another portal—just before they hit the road and the cars that have been tumbling and falling alongside them smash upon the road.

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