Chapter 6✔️

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Emoji Chapter:➕Added Scenes/Chapter

Same Day: Earth, London, England
Outside: Deserted Factory 🔭🏹

The policemen in the area was about to arrest Jane and Evelyn for trespassing but as they go to touch the two women, a blast of Aether pushes them away and the two women fall.

Thor calls out, "Evelyn!" He runs and kneels down by her side, Thor looks at Jane as Sue kneels beside her, "Jane."

Evelyn calls out weakly, "Thor?" Thor helps Evelyn stand up.

Thor asks Evelyn worriedly, "Are you alright?" Sue helps Jane to her feet.

Jane asks them, "What just happened?" The police officers, getting defensive.

Policeman 2 holds his hand out and steps towards them cautiously, demanding, "Place your hands on your heads. Step back."

Sue tells policeman 2, "These women are unwell."

Policeman 2 exclaims, "Their dangeous."

Thor glares a policeman 2, "So are we." Thor looks at Sue as she takes a step forward, protectively standing in front of Jane and Evelyn, giving the man a harsh glare.

Policeman holding onto his radio, speaking into it, "Requesting armed response officers to the scene."

Thor and Sue share a look and nod, she steps back and wraps her left arm around Jane's upper back as Thor pulls Evelyn close by the waist, he tells the two confused women, "Hold on to us."

Jane asks the two Asgardians confusingly, "What are you doing?" Thor and Sue look up to the sky and the Bifrost opens, the policeman 2 gasp in surprise and falls back from the pressure of the wind, the Bifrost beams them up before disappearing.

Darcy steps over the smouldering imprint that the Bifrost left on the ground and looks up at the sky. Darcy stares at the sky in awe, "Holy shit!"

Space: Bifrost Portal 🔭🏹

The Bifrost rainbow portal leaves Earth and travels through space.

Thor and Sue stare up, guiding themselves through. Jane and Evelyn holding onto Sue and Thor tight as they look around in awe.

Thor lifts his hammer up; guiding them through faster.

Asgard: Bifrost Observatory 🔭🏹

Heimdall stares at the open portal waiting for Thor and Sue's arrival, holding his sword in place, in the control panel.

Heimdall looks and moves his head as a part from a car flies through the portal before looking back at the portal.

Jane, Sue, Evelyn and Thor stumble into the observatory after travelling through the Bifrost to Asgard, letting go of one another except for Eve and Thor.

Jane looks around in awe, she looks at Evelyn happily, "We have to do that again." Evelyn breaths out a chuckle as she sees Jane's reaction, Eve hugs Thor closely, happy to be in his arms again, Thor pulls her close as he hugs back. Sue watching the girls reactions in amusement, especially Jane's. Jane sees Heimdall and greets quietly, "Hi."

Heimdall closes the portal by lifting up the sword and bringing it back down, he leaves the sword in the panel and steps back, looking at the two guests, "Welcome to Asgard." He smiles softly.


Malekith stands on an empty field, looking over the desolate remains of his homeland, he kneels down and picks up a handful of dirt.

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