kicked out

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"Wait..?" You stare at Tord, who smiles nervously, showing off his canine teeth. He grabs your shoulders and walks you out of the room, slamming the door behind you both.

"I think it's about time you got home and went to sleep" he says, smiling down at you. "Why are you people so tall??" You say, being probably a good (foot) shorter than him. He shrugs, you could easily see worry in his eyes as his phone dings in his back pocket.

He pushes you out of the door and onto the ice, causing you to slip, you close your eyes, ready to hit the ground. But once again, it never happened. You are pushed gently to a standing position. You see bright orange spikey hair then you see the purple jacket and green overcoat. "Matt..?"

"Oh uh, hi! Y/n.. I wanted to know if-" you put your hands up, cutting him off, "s-sorry Matt. I can't talk right now. I have to get home.." his shoulders seem to sag when you say this and you apologize many times. "I'll visit you in a while, I just need to get some sleep." You yawn accidentally. He cheers up a bit and it seems like his hair did too.. 

"See you later! I have a phone call with the president!" He says and pulls a banana out of his pocket which shouldn't have fit, but whatever.


Okay guys, happy summer to those of you reading this during it. And I just wanted to say, I love reading y'alls comments! It's what makes me want to keep writing this story.

For those of you that are pinned on the 'where I come from'  part of the story, I wasn't thinking it through, since I'm from Texas. So, sorry about that. Anyways, love you all! And I hope you guys like Jacksepticeye because im making a story with him in it.

Norwegian cutie (Tord x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now