DG - 10

610 28 8

Dedicated to Chingpanxi 

Next morning when I woke up I've been pestering by the two Gab and Zy. They even faught about who enters the clinic first, i was even shock when the Nurse un-buttoned two buttons down mid breast. I rolled my eyes at that.

When they both went to me the nurse took care of me by Asking me none important questions while swinging her hips,Plumping her lips by biting,flips hair and the worst part taking a Lollipop , why? Because she acted like giving it to me then when she asked she quickly asked "no? Ok i'll take it your lost" and started eating the lollipop taking it in and out her mouth which I found disgusting.

The two? I can say they didn't care which made the nurse more desperate and in the in she gave up. How funny, I got revenge by doing nothing. That's for the lollipop dear!

The both we're out to get food both faught for who would stay but I suggested both of them to go so i could prepare my mini Bed table and relax a bit as my head hurts. Still can't feel much of my legs though.

The nurse glanced at me seducectly but changed into a scowl. ''Where's the two hotties?'' She continued to glare as I shrugged and arranged my pillow.

She let out a frustrated sign nefore breaking the candy in her mouth and taking the stick to the trash. She was about to say something when the triplets entered with Smiles in they're faces. The nurse quickly stood up and went to a Cabinet right beside my bed she tried reaching something above it making her short fit white nurse dress making sure ass was above and bulging at the eyes of everyone in the room. I looked at her confused as the triplets gave different looks in they're faces.

''Excuse me nurse , but , what exactly are you trying to reach uo there when all the items are inside the cabinet?" I asked confusion triggering me.

She blushed furiously and gave me a glare before 'Accidentaly' hitting my head with one of her hands falling after reaching air a ehile ago. A low groan came out my mouth as the triplets looked at me asking if i we're alright.

''Tss don't be so dramatic it's just a small tap jeez" the nurse said while crossing her arms over her chest with a matching roll eyes.

"That's not something a nurse would say to it's patient" a Scowl on Jacob's face as he crossed his arms aswell making the nurse to grab his arms in one hand and another on his biceps.

"How about ditch the bitch?" She said seducingly as i frown and the two glare at her, Jacob laughed and looked at her in the eyes before holding her chin with his index and thumb taking a bit space between them and whispered something that shook us.

"How about I fire you?"

"Wh-what?!" She let go and looked at him confused as he continued to laugh and smirked.

"New nurse as I suspected, If you we're the old nurse you wouldn't dare did what you did a moment ago" his smirk still plastered as she still looked confused.

"No old nurse would be dumb enough to do that"-Jack

"Especially with the Owner's of the school" she paled at what they have said , she kneeled and started crying tugging onto Jacob's leg "Oh now you're kneeling"

"Please! D-don't fire me! I-I'll do anything please forgive me!" She begged and cried but the only answer she recieved we're smirks. I looked at her and said something that made the triplets sigh.

"You can leave for now , I'll talk to them so you can keep your job" shock registered in her face before crying and nodding fast before dashing out the door. Silence hugged us.

"You know that wasn't nice" they groan but looked away "let her keep her job please.. give her a chance" a Long pause happened before they mumbled something i couldn't hear . Nodding they're heads and took a sit near me.

"Why would you be so nice even if she was being a total B!tch towards you" they asked in sync. I smiled at how cute they sounded.

"Everyone deserves a second chance, not everyone's perfect. Maybe in the eyes of the people who view them" I smiled before laying my head down onto the soft pillows I placed neatly. A loud bang came through the door , Both Guys we're glaring at each other and after noticing the triplets they're glare tagged the triplets before bringing the foods. We ate silently and peacefully... for me that is.

While i was eating they continued glating at each other muttering some spitefull words but all in all i enjoyed they're presence and concerne even though i get stress from they're Little battle of cuss and Mouthful of Bad stuff.

I shook my head starring at the now tired and sleeping mans. They all look peacefull on the floor hihi, they we're all wrap in thick white covers and what shocked me most was the things they brought. The triplets brought pillows of powerpuff girls boy version , Gab was on sitting position with a gun in one hand and a stuff bear on another , Zy had a bunch of pillows making himself a mini tent and slept inside head popping out.

In my opinion they all looked adorable , i didn't even notice them bringing such stuffs.

I think i'll just call them Mafia's of kawaii'nes haha is that a word?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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