Chapter 9

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I new someone would eventually find me but I wasn't expecting it to be Shawn. He huffs out a few breaths and walks over to me pushing me up against the wall. I gasp and he hugs me, like really tight.

"Shawn." I say as I try to breath but he just holds me tighter.

"Why do you do this shit to me." He says, Classic Shawn, he's always cussing.

"I'm sorry." I whisper and hug him. We stay like this for a while until I notice the red dripping onto the floor. He pulls away and looks at my hand a few tears falling from my eyes.

"Fuck." He cusses under his breath as he walks over to the sink and grabs a towel drenching it in water.

"Here." He lays the towel over my hands and goes back to the cabinet grabbing the first aid kit. After he doctored me up I walked over to the couch and layer on it, him repeating my action.

" I love you." He says as i snuggle closer to him.

"I love you to." I respond

" No, don't say I love you to , It just sounds like your agreeing with me." He says " just say I love you."

"Picky" I say and the legendary Shawn smile appears.

"I love you." He says

"I love you." I respond and I drift off into a deep sleep. This is where I was men't to be, right here in his arms, drifting off to sleep to the sound of his slow breathing. I really do love him.

Short I know but the next will be longer 😊

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