chapter 1

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For as empty the music store was, it sure as hell was never quiet. Music blasted, screeching echoed off the walls, things would fall, or there would be singing and dancing battles.

The boss of the store purely didnt give a shit about all of that, nor his employees. They were loud and annoying and simply stupid, but he still paid them fairly, seeming as they would never leave a mess they made without picking it up.

But there were some days where he felt like murdering the two imbeciles.


"Kuroo! Bokuto!" The manager yelled.

There was the noise of shuffling and a crash then Kuroos head popped up from the clerk desk followed by a clunk then Bokutos head popped up as well. They had dust on their faces and their hair was more messed up then usual. Cardboard boxes were crashed all around them and dust filled the air.

"Ukai-kuuuun~" Kuroo chimed. "You're so early-"

"Shut your trap! Whats this mess for!?" Ukai snapped.

"Its his fault." Kuroo and Bokuto said in unision, pointing at each other.

"I dont Care whose fault it is, I want to know what happened."

"Well, you see, we were really bored and decided to play with nerf guns, then Bokuto got a really good shot on the storage behind me and it all fell, so he thought I died and came to save me, but then more boxes fell over. So its Bokutos fault." Kuroo smiled innocently while Bokuto threw his head back, screeching.

Ukai sighed and narrowed his eyes at them. He was willing to go easy on them since this was the first time he's walked into a messy shop, but he was absolutely pissed. More pissed than a soccer mom who got cut in line at Walmart. Super. Pissed.

"New rule. Each time I catch you guys making a mess, you get cut five bucks from your pay, and the only way to get your five bucks back, is helping my mom at the market. It sounds easy, but trust me, its not. Everything you do here is up to you. I know we dont get alot of customers, but trashing the place won't help." Ukai ended his lecture with a slammed door and went to his car.

Nearly an hour later the entire shop was swept clean and the boxes were organized to Ukais liking.

"Bro, maybe we would get more customers if we had some sort of an attraction. Something that catches their eye." Kuroo gasped at his own idea.

"Bro, you're right, but what are we gonna do?" Bokuto raised his eyebrows.

"Well this shop looks like it popped out of the ninetys, so we need to fix the outside and inside to keep it up to date. We could place some posters or stands outside that persuades people to come inside." Kuroo pointed at different areas as he spoke.

"Bro, I got an idea." Bokuto gasped.

"What is it bro?"

"Remember that one dude who comes in here often, his name was like cabbage or something, and he was really good at drawing and stuff?"

Kuroo nodded.

"We could get him to make flyers for us and pass them around, and on them could be something like 'buy two CDs, get one for free' and other stuff like that." Bokuto slammed his hands on the table and shot his finger to the door. "We just have to wait for him to come back."

"Okay, first of all, his name wasn't cabbage, second, he hasnt come here for like a week, he probably died, or you scared him away." Kuroo narrowed his eyes at Bokuto.

"Okay well you never know, people have weird names, and I doubt he's dead, and I also doubt I scared him away, he was probably so impressed by my killer looks and my sexy body, that he had to go tell a therapist about his gay crush on the music guy." Bokuto smirked as if he were correct.

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