chapter 8

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"Bokuto?" Akaashi looked around the store, not seeing Bokuto anywhere.

"Maybe he's in the bathroom?" Kuroo suggested.

Akaashi ran to the bathroom, which was also empty, raising worry into him. He ran back over to Kuroo and looked behind the desk. Empty. "Koutarou!" Akaashi shouted. "This isn't funny!" He frowned.

"Idiot.." Kuroo muttered.

Akaashi shot him a look then pulled out his phone and called Bokuto. Seconds later, he heard Bokutos voice was on the other side of the phone. "Hello?"

"Bokuto where did you go!?" Akaashi shouted into his phone.

"Somewhere." Bokuto responded.

"Bokuto tell me where you are right now-"

Bokuto hung up.

Akaashi locked his phone and threw it on the couch, cursing. "Where did he go!?"

Kuroo pulled out his phone and opened Snapchat. "Just use Snapchat maps." He opened the Map and zoomed in on their area to find Bokuto.

"That doesn't tell us the location though-"

"Yes it does." Kuroo showed his screen to Akaashi which showed Bokutos icon about four blocks away from them at a café.

"Let's Go, lock up." Akaashi ran out the door and to his car, Kuroo trailing behind him and getting in the passenger seat.

"I told him to stay in the store, I told him I'd be back." Akaashi spoke quickly. "Do you think he's okay?"

"He's fine, he's probably drinking chocolate milk right now." Kuroo tried to reassure him.

"Why didnt he tell me he left? I told him to text me if anything happened, and why doesn't he want us to know that he's there? What if he's doing something that could hurt him?" Akaashi drove faster.

"Akaashi, calm down, we will ask him when we find him." Kuroo sighed and looked out the window, listening to the noise of Akaashis panicked fingers tapping the wheel.

They soon arrived at the cafe and Akaashi ran through the doors and looked around, not seeing Bokuto anywhere. "Where is he?" He whipped around to look at Kuroo. "Where is he??"

"Don't yell at me like its my fault, I dont know." Kuroo said as he pulled out his phone. "It says he's here."

Akaashi furrowed his eyes brows and ran to the bathrooms and slammed the door open. "Bokuto!?"

He didnt hear anything except an old man at the urinal gasp in shock.

Akaashi stormed out of the bathroom and over to the ordering counter, pushing aside the people in lone. "Have you seen a man with white spiked hair? Black roots? He looks like a human owl, he was wearing a Grey t shirt with a jacket, have you seen him??" Akaashi pestered the woman behind the counter.

"I'm sorry sir, no I haven't, is he missing?" She asked, confused.

Akaashi didnt reply, but turned away and nearly shouted curse words. running his hands through his hair.

"Akaashi, let's check around outside." Kuroo grabbed Akaashi by the sleeve and ran out of the store. "You need to calm down." Kuroo said while gripping Akaashis face with one hand like he was lecturing a puppy who isn't potty trained.

"Let go of me-" Akaashi wailed and grabbed Kuroos wrist, taking his hand off his face. "I am perfectly calm, I'm just worried." Akaashi protested.

"You are not calm." Kuroo shook his head. "Do you wanna wait in the car while I look around?"

"No, I wanna help find him, he's my boyfriend too and I dont want him hurt." Akaashi turned around and started walking down the left side alley of the Café, shouting for Bokuto.

"Akaashi, stop screaming, he probably heard you from inside." Kuroo said, dragging Akaashi back.

"What if he's hiding from us?" Akaashi grabbed his phone and pulled up Bokutos contact. "I'm calling him." Akaashi called Bokutos phone, then heard a phone ring down the alley way. He ran down to follow the noise, but his heart sunk when he saw just Bokutos phone laying on the ground.

He felt his heart squeeze and his eyes heat up. "We're not gonna find him." Akaashi choked out.

Kuroo walked over and picked up Bokutos phone. "He wouldn't leave his phone too far away from himself, so let's keep looking." Kuroo put the phone in his pocket and placed a hand on Akaashis back. "Come on."

They walked back up to the front of the store and looked around. "Does he have any friends around here That he might have ran to?" Akaashi asked.

"Oh shit he does." Kuroo scoffed.

"Why oh shit? Why is that Bad?" Akaashi got more and more worried.

"The dude is fucking creepy, I'm pretty sure he's a satanist." Kuroo walked to the car.

"What? I mean I get thats bad, but he wouldn't use Bokuto as some sort of sacrifice." Akaashi followed Kuroo.

"You never know with that guy. I'll drive." Kuroo grabbed the keys from Akaashi and got in the drivers seat and Akaashi sat in the passenger.

"What if he isn't there?" Akaashi asked.

"Then we keep looking." Kuroo replied.

Akaashi fiddled with his fingers and looked out the window. "What if he was there? What if we just left him?"

"Akaashi, stop." Kuroo said sharply.

Akaashi frowned and looked at his hands.

Moments later, Kuroo stopped in front of a house and Akaashi jumped out and ran to the door, knocking on it quickly.

Kuroo ran up to him and grabbed his wrist. "Dont break your hand."

Akaashi furrowed his eyebrows, then the door opened a crack, only revealing an eye. "Kuroo! How good to see you! You too stranger!" The voice said.

"Is Bokuto here?" Kuroo asked.

"Bokuto? Who's that?" The voice asked.

"Okay then he's here," Kuroo pushed the door open and Akaashi heard the person behind it yelp. They walked in and Akaashi already wanted to run back. The place was dark and only lit by candles and was actually pretty scary, but it smelt really good. Akaashi looked back at the person standing up behind him, who looked almost like Bokuto, but dragged through hell. He also looked more like a lizard. From what Akaashi could even see.

After the door closed, Akaashi felt Kuroos arm wrap around him and pull him in front, holding Akaashis back to his chest. "Where's Bokuto?"

"I'm not telling you that." The guy said, folding his arms.

"Satori, where the fuck is Bokuto?" Kuroo narrowed his eyes at him and held Akaashi tighter.

There was major tension floating between the three right now, and a queasy feeling over took Akaashis stomach.

He looked at the other guy who was refusing to tell where Bokuto was then furrowed his eyebrows and pushed away from Kuroo and lunged himself at Satori, clenching his hands around the boys throat and pushing his head on the wall.

"I dont know who the fuck you are, but I've been worried sick about where my boyfriend is, and you're gonna tell me where he is or god so help me I will tear open your throat and shove rat poisoning into your eyes." Akaashi locked eyes with the boy he had pinned to the wall. "Tell me where Koutarou is.*

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