chapter 7

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"I have an answer."

"What is it?" Kuroo asked.

"I wanna stay with you guys, but we are still gonna need to take some time to let our relationship grow and so we can click better. I wont keep you guys in secret, so I'll tell my parents, and if they have an issue with it, then thats their problem." Akaashi spoke confidently and looked at the other two. "What about you?"

"Yes!" Bokuto blurted.

"I agree with both of you." Kuroo nodded.

Akaashi let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "Thank god." He pulled them into another tight hug and closed his eyes and after a few moments of silence asked,"do you guys wanna have celebratory morning sex?"

"Yes." Both Kuroo and Bokuto almost shouted their answer and Bokuto picked Akaashi up, running to the bedroom. "I call dibs on having more than my share because Kuroo did last night!"

"Thats not how it works you dummy!" Kuroo shouted at him while walking behind him.


"Why are both of you late for work!? You were supposed to be here two hours and a half ago!" Ukai scowled at them as they walked into the music shop.

"Sorry Ukai-kun, we slept late." Kuroo waved his hand. "Don't worry though, we are gonna be productive today."

"Yeah okay sure you are." Ukai rolled his eyes. "I'll be back here in a couple of hours, you numbskulls, not you Akaashi, held back my day and I'm gonna get yelled at by my mom for it." He said while pointing at Bokuto and Kuroo and walking out the door with his keys.

"Yikes." Bokuto muttered.

"Very yikes." Kuroo said while cocking his eyebrows.

They went to the seating area and Akaashi pulled his laptop out of his bag and set it in his lap. "Is it okay if I just print these out at home?"

"Yup." Kuroo nodded and sat next to him. "By the way, since you aren't at your job often and you're here a lot, you should just work here."

"I'll consider it." Akaashi replied, keeping his eyes on his screen.

"Niiicee~" Kuroo grinned and kissed his cheek then got up and walked to the clerk counter.

"Maybe there's no point in doing this." Bokuto tapped his fingers on the counter.

"What?" Kuroo raised an eyebrow and Akaashi looked up from his screen.

"Even after we redesigned the place, nobody has even come in." Bokuto mumbled.

"Because they can see that we are busy." Kuroo said.

"I guess.." Bokuto stood up and Sighed.

"Kou, you Also have to remember that you guys work in a pretty silent place and that people use their phones for music now. Maybe if you put more on sale instead of just CDs and chargers, more people would come." Akaashi suggested.

"Or maybe we quit and work somewhere else so we can actually make money." Bokuto pouted.

"Okay Bokuto, you dont really have a place to complain about money, your family is fucking loaded." Kuroo snapped.

"Yeah but I dont live with them do I?" Bokuto retorted.

"But you still lick their boots!"

"I do not! I barely even talk to them!" Bokuto furrowed his eyebrows.

"Bullshit, you're such a mommys boy." Kuroo narrowed his eyes.

"Because I care about her, unlike you, who treats your mom like a food slave." Bokuto shot.

"I bet your parents send you money every month and you waste it on stupid things likr your weird anime shows and shit." Kuroo taunted and Akaashi shot him a look.

"They dont even send me birthday gifts!" Bokuto stepped closer to him. "I'm in the same boat as you are, I'm trying to make my own money so I can live in my home and have food and all that, so dont give me that shit!"

"Your income is already a few bucks higher than mine!" Kuroo folded his arms which were then gripped by Akaashis hand, tugging him back.

"Kuroo what the hell is your problem!?" Akaashi snapped at him in a deeper voice than normal.

There was a moment of shocked silence until Kuroo just scoffed and walked to the door. "Whatever."

"Kuroo!" Akaashi ran behind him and grabbed his shirt to stop him. "Why are you acting like this all of a sudden??"

Kuroo tugged away from him and pushed through the door, walking away from them. Akaashi looked at Bokuto with a confused look, earning the same one Bokuto. "Has he acted like that before?"

"Only once before." Bokuto pursed his lips.

Akaashi sighed and walked behind the counter with Bokuto and placed a hand on his back. "I'm sorry about your Parents. Kuroo doesnt have any right to lash on you about that."

"Its fine, he's probably just bothered about something." Bokuto shrugged his shoulders which were soon carrying Akaashis arms over them for a hug.

"I'll talk to him. You stay here, okay? Text me if you need anything." Akaashi rubbed Bokutos back and placed a kiss on his neck then went to the door. "I'll be back soon." He waved.

Bokuto waved back and let out a heavy sigh.


"Kuroo!" After walking around a bit, Akaashi found Kuroo standing by a bench. He ran over to him and stopped in front of him. "What's your deal?" He panted.

No reply.

Akaashi pressed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows. "Tetsurou, I dont know what your deal is, but whatever it  is, just because you're upset doesn't mean you can lash out on Bokuto about money and family issues. Tell me what's wrong so we can fix it."

Kuroo looked at him with a deadpan expression, sending a bit of chills down Akaashis spine.

"I don't even know, honestly, I'm just pissed.." He mumbled.

"So what can I do to help? Do I need to help you with money? Do I need to give you space? Do Bokuto and I just need to leave you alone for a bit?" Akaashi questioned.

Kuroo only shrugged and looked away.

"Kuroo," Akaashi softened his tone and cupped Kuroos cheeks and made him look at him. "Tell me what you need. I dont want shit to get out of hand."

Kuroo blinked and locked their eyes together. "Can I have a hug?"

Akaashi let go of Kuroo and wrapped his arms around him, burrying his face in his chest. He felt Kuroos arms wrap around his back and tangled a hand in his hair. "I'm sorry." Kuroo muttered.

"Its okay. Just learn to communicate better okay?"

Kuroo nodded and let go of him then cupped his cheeks and pressed their lips together. Akaashi returned the kiss and placed his hands on Kuroos neck, deepening the kiss.

They both pulled away after a moment, keeping their hands on each others skin with their eyes locked.

"Can we go back now?" Kuroo asked, placing his forehead on Akaashis.

"Mhm." Akaashi nodded and pulled away from him then interlocked their fingers together. "You're Gonna apologize to Kou, right?"

"Of course." Kuroo nodded quickly.

Akaashi smiled and they started walking back to the store

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