chapter 9

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"Okay, calm down." Tendou laughed nervously and Akaashi let go of him. "He's in the bedroom down the hall."

Akaashi fast walked down the hall and swung the door open to see Bokuto sitting on a twin size bed looking down at his hands with guilt painted on his face. "Bokuto oh my god, are you okay? Youre not hurt?" Akaashi ran over to him and cupped his cheeks.

Bokuto shook his head. "I'm fine."

Akaashi let out a relieved sigh and wrapped his arms around Bokuto tightly. "Dont ever do this again, you scared the crap out of me."

"I'm sorry.." Bokuto said quietly.

Suddenly, Akaashi felt a hand tug on his jacket and pull him back forcefully, almost pushing him to the ground. Akaashi furrowed his eyebrows at Kuroo, who grabbed Bokutos shirt by the collar and picked him up.

"Bokuto what the hell!? You almost gave Akaashi an anxiety attack! What the fuck did you do this for!? You're being a selfish prick!" Kuroo barked in his face.

"Excuse me, but I think you may have forgot that this is your fault!?" Bokuto yelled back and gripped Kuroos wrists.

Kuroo scoffed and pushed him back on the bed then raised his fist and brought it down onto Bokutos face.

Akaashi ran over to Kuroo and pulled him back and slapped him. "Kuroo what the fuck!?" Akaashi looked at him like he had just kicked a puppy and killed it.

Kuroo was about to speak until Bokuto rammed into his side for a tackle and pinned him on the ground. "You think I'm selfish!? I dont even ask my parents for money and I dont even ask you for anything! If you hadn't brought up my own family issues we wouldn't here!" Bokuto shouted.

Akaashi grabbed Bokuto and pulled him off of Kuroo and shoved him back to the bed. "Will you two stop already!?" He snapped at both of them.

"It isn't my fault!" Bokuto whined.

"Bokuto I know it isn't," Akaashi looked back at Kuroo with an angry expression. "You leave the room right now, I'll talk to you later."

Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows and left the room. slamming the door behind him.

Akaashi walked back over to Bokuto, who was holding his nose with blood dripping between his fingers. "I'm so sorry." Akaashi opened his messenger bag and pulled out a bundle of Kleenexes and gave them to Bokuto.

"You shouldn't be apologizing." Bokuto grabbed the Kleenex and put them under his nostril.

Akaashi sat down next to him and looked at him. "I didnt know Kuroo would lash out on you. He said he'd apologize, he.." Akaashi lost his words, sighing. "I'm sorry."

"Im sorry for running off. I should have stayed at the store." Bokuto mumbled.

"Its okay." He placed his hand on Bokutos back and kissed his temple. "Let me know if you need anything."

"I need kisses." Bokuto puffed out.

Akaashi laughed a little and rubbd his back. "You'll get your nose blood in my mouth. That's nasty."

"No! I swear I won't!" Bokuto removed the bloody Kleenexes. "See its gone!"

"Looks like it, but you still have some leaking out." Akaashi pushed Bokutos hand back to his nose. "One more minute."

"One two three four five six seven eight," Bokuto started counting and pressed the Kleenex on his nose harder. 

Akaashi waited for him to reach sixty, then he threw the Kleenex bundle into the small trash can on the floor. "Is it good!?" Bokuto looked at Akaashi, getting a nod. Bokuto grinned happily and made some sort of noise to express his happiness.

"Also, this isn't because I dont trust you by yourself, but you're gonna stay at my house tonight so nothing happens, okay?" Akaashi ran his hand through Bokutos hair.

"Okay." Bokuto nodded then grabbed Akaashis waist and pulled him into his Lap. "You owe me kisses now."

"Owe you kisses?" He asked.

"You said you would!" Bokuto whined.

"I know, I know." Akaashi smiled and wrapped his arms around Bokutos neck and pressed their lips together for a kiss.

Seconds later, a small kiss turned into a full blown make out session. They were holding each others faces, rubbing their backs and pulling each other closer almost ever second until it was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Bokuto pouted and laid his head on Akaashis chest when the door opened and Tendou popped his head in. "Kuroo just broke one of my cups-" he said slowly.

Akaashi sighed and lifted Bokutos head. "I'm gonna take Kuroo back to the store, and in two hours have Tendou drop you off at my house." He grabbed his keys and popped off a spare to his house and handed it to Bokuto. "I'll be home in four."

Bokuto nodded and put the key in his jacket pocket as Akaashi got off him and picked up his bag. "I'll see you at home." He kissed Bokutos forehead then left the room and to the kitchen where Kuroo was sitting at a table with his head in his hands. 

"Kuroo come on." Akaashi patted his back. "We're goinf back to the store."

Kuroo lazily stood up and shuffled over to the door, Akaashi following behind him. Before the left the door, Akaashi turned around and looked at Tendou. "Thank you for keeping him safe. I'm sorry for choking and threatening you."

"You're welcome, and its fine it was kinda hot."


"Bye!" Tendou closed the door and Akaashi sighed, walking back to his car where Kuroo was sitting in the passenger seat. Akaashi got in and started the car and drove back to the store.

"So are you gonna lecture me?" Kuroo mumbled.

"You already know what I would say." Akaashi replied, keeping his eyes forward.

A few moments of silence passed until Kuroo asked,"Are you and Bokuto gonna ditch me?"

"What?" Akaashi looked at Kuroo.

"Are you two gonna be by yourselves? Just you and Bokuto? Just the two of you?"

"Kuroo, just because we are having a tiny issue right now does not mean we are gonna get rid of you." Akaashi replied, a bit baffled.

"You never know." He mumbled.

"Kuroo stop." Akaashi snapped. "You're over thinking."

Kuroo sighed and closed his eyes.

They soon arrived back at the store and went inside. Akaashi Sat on the couch and looked at Kuroo. "What do you need to me to say or do to prove we arent gonna leave you?"

Kuroo shrugged.

"Kuroo, sit down please." Akaashi frowned.

Kuroo slumped over to the couch and sunk into it, looking ahead of him. "What?"

Akaashi grabbed Kuroos face and made their eyes lock. "Kuroo, Bokuto and I love you, otherwise we wouldn't be together. Even though you punched him in the face and acted like an ass, he still cares about you. I'll talk to him later tonight, but thats besides the point. We arent gonna leave you, but you and Bokuto need to sort this out. Please? You wouldn't be the only person losing something."

Kuroo pressed his lips and pulled His face away from Akaashi. "Okay." He nodded. "I'm sorry." He said quietly.

"Its okay." Akaashi cupped Kuroos cheek and pet it with his thumb. "We're gonna be okay. Okay?"

Kuroo nodded again. "Okay."

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