chapter 4

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Akaashi looked at them.

"What?" Bokuto shot up and grabbed the bags on the table.

"You're totally lying." Kuroo rolled his eyes. "But okay."

Akaashi smiled and walked out the door with Bokuto and waited for Kuroo to finish locking up the store then they piled into Akaashis car and headed to his house.

"Akaashi, just out of curiosity, if you do have these things, how often do you use them?" Bokuto asked from the passenger seat.

"Why's it matter?" Akaashi retorted, sending chills down Bokutos spine. Akaashi noticed the fear he placed in Bokuto and laughed. "I'm kidding. I can at least tell you almost everything has been used once or more."

That sent a stinging blush across both the others faces and Kuroo leaned forward from the back seat. "So are you not a virgin?" Kuroo asked.

"No, I'm a virgin. Just because I have these things doesnt mean I've had sex. There's this thing called self pleasure, I dunno if you guys have ever heard of it." Akaashi replied.

Kuroo snorted and rolled his eyes. "Oh please." He sunk back into his seat and looked out the window.

"Well I've watched porn before, does that count?" Bokuto asked.

"Sure." Akaashi shrugged.

"Yay!" Bokuto threw his arms up like he won a trophy for watching porn. He was way too happy about some things.

After this kind of talk continued for several minutes, Akaashi stopped in front of a small one story brown house and got out of the car.

Bokuto and Kuroo followed and Bokuto gave Kuroo and excited look and Kuroo only laughed at him.

Akaashi unlocked the door and walked in, taking off his shoes, and so did the other two behind him.

They followed him down a hallway that lead to his room and he opened his door then pointed to his closet. "Go ahead and open it." Akaashi smirked.

Kuroo skipped over to the closet and placed his hand on the knob. "I bet when I open it, its just gonna be empty or something stupid like that."

Bokuto stepped back and looked over at Akaashi who cocked his eyebrows at the closet that Kuroo was opening.

Right as Kuroo was about to say "I told you so" he slammed the door shut and stormed out of Akaashis room.

Bokuto raised his eyebrows and looked at Akaashi. "WHAT!???"

"Take a look." Akaashi laughed a little and walked over to his closet with Bokuto, then opened it when Bokuto stood infront of it, receiving a screech and Bokuto slapping his hands over his face.

Akaashi laughed and brought Bokutos hands down and closed the closet then lead him back to the living room where they faced a mortified Kuroo.

"So Kuroo, how's it feel to be wrong?" Akaashi asked. leaning on the wall.

"I dont know what to feel.. I thought you were innocent.." Kuroo mumbled to the floor.

"Oh come on, I'm gay, how would I Ever?"

"Do you when plan on using that other stuff??" Kuroo asked like he was offended.

"Why do you Care? Its not like I stole it from someone who needed it, and yeah maybe I do." Akaashi said, standing up straight.

"You are, I dont even know, I dont know what to say, you gay sinner, you little ass, you rotten cabbage," Kuroo rambled.

"Dont call him such mean names! He's just another normal gay person who wants to be pleasured!" Bokuto folded his arms at Kuroo.

"Aw, see, Bokuto gets me," Akaashi leaned on him. "Then I'll let you have a go first for being so understanding." Akaashi said quietly into Bokutos neck, sending a vicious blush across Bokutos face and neck.

"What? What did you just say??" Kuroo asked.

"Nothing. We should be going back now." Akaashi walked over to the door and put his shoes back on.

"No, I want explanations!" Kuroo gasped.

"Oh? I dont know what to say?" Akaashi raised an eyebrow.

"Why? How? when?" Kuroo asked.

"Oh my Jesus fuck, you sound like a shocked mother." Akaashi laughed. "Again, why does it matter to you?"

"I'm just baffled! You seem so pure and just not sexual, then you have almost am entire closet full of sex toys!?!?" Kuroo gripped his hair in confusion and screeched.

"Bokuto understands it, he literally said it out loud, I'm just another gay person who wants to be pleasured." Akaashi shrugged.

Bokuto suddenly screamed and ran over to Akaashi. "I totally forgot! Akaashi, we were gonna ask you out on a date, but I forgot to ask you!"

Akaashi smiled at him. "Okay. Where do you wanna go?"

"Well I was gonna ask where you wanted to go because you're the one being taken on a date." Bokuto said.

"Um.. I dunno. I wanna say go to the movies, but I don't trust Kuroo to sit next to me in a dark room." Akaashi twisted his lips in thought.

"What!?" Kuroo was taken back and offended.

"But then again, maybe I can turn some tables." Akaashi smiled. "Let's go to the movies."

Bokuto smiled and skipped behind Akaashi to the car and Kuroo stomped behind them. 

Once the car started moving, they talked about what movies they wanted to watch and show times and what snacks they wanted. Kuroo sat in the pouting and glaring out the window in defeat. He didnt want to deal with his defeat right now, so he grabbed his phone and put in his earbuds and blasted sad kpop music.

"Hey Akaashi? Can I ask you something?" Bokuto asked while looking out the window.

"Go ahead."

"Do you think you would ever be in a Poly sort of relationship? Not that I'm like asking you in that kind of way, but I'm just wondering." Bokuto played with his thumbs and he spoke.

"Depends on the people. Also depends on if Kuroo can handle being wrong sometimes."

"What?" Bokuto asked.

Akaashi only smiled and turned the radio on And Bokuto gave him a confused look but looked away with a small smile on his lips.

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