Nathan and the Basement

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He walked in my room dressed in all black. A leather jacket, heavy duty black boots, black jeans and shirt.

"Aren't you gonna say something? Didn't you miss me" he said.

"Hi? What the fuck are you doing here? I thought you never wanted to see me again."

"I was hired to take care of something and it just so happens that I have to take care of you."

"What do you mean? What kind of business? Who sent you?"

"SHUT UP WITH THE GOD DAMN QUESTIONS. YOU'LL FIND OUT WHEN IM DONE SO JUST SHUT UP. Now can you please come with me so I don't have to do this the hard way."

"Tell me everything first and then I'll be happy to go."

"Haha no. If I tell you then your gonna run. But don't worry it's not bad. Mr. Mott sent me."

"Oh okay. Well he didn't say anything I just saw him like right before you walked in."

"Yea I know. That's why I came in so soon after. Now can we go or do I have to pick you up or drag you?"

"Ugh fine lets go."

I followed him out to his motorcycle which was also black. And of corse so we're his helmets.

"Do I get to know where I'm going at least?"

"Now why would I tell you that. It would ruin all the fun"

"Ugh fine, well can we at least stop and get some food I'm starving."

"If you promise to shut the hell up the rest of the way sure I'll get you something to eat fat ass."


They stopped at a McDonald's and got some food. Harlee got a drink and a large fry. That was her go to snack. Nathan got a Big Mac meal in a large. How can he eat that and not gain any wait?

"Okay were almost there I have to put this blind fold on you. Your not aloud to know where you are."

"What the hell. Fine gimme it."

After about 5 more minuets they pulled up to an older but very nice home. Nathan left Harlee on the bike and went up to the door. When he knocked Mr. Mott answered the door.

"It's about time. What took so long?"

"Sorry I got her food. I figured with what you could do she should eat one last good meal."

"Well I'll still feed her and make sure she gets enough water. I just need her to finish a task and she can go. But sell probably be so out of it by the time she's done that she can't leave."

Nathan picked up Harlee and carries her into the home. They go down some stairs and she begin to freak out. She realizes their putting her in a basement.


"Shut up. Mr. Mott will tell you everything don't worry."

"I'm really trusting you. Please don't lie to me. Not like before."

Nathan puts Harlee down on the cold cement. He has a small Smirk on his face but it quickly turns into a frown. He realized what could actually happen to her down here.

"Wait here, he will be down shortly."

When Mr. Mott eventually came down he brought a bag. It was pretty large. Maybe the size aid a beach bag. He took the blind fold off of Harlee and began to explain everything.

"Hey how are you? Don't panic it's okay. I don't want to hurt you. So instead I'll make you a deal. I got into a bind with a old friend and I wanted just a little bit of something and he miss heard me and gave me this big bag. But he said as long as its gone in 2 months it's okay."

"What's in the bag"

"That's for you to find out. You have either finish this or chose he other option and then I suppose you can leave."

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