Aisle 14

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It's only been a couple hours since I left mr. Motts basement. I don't really know what to do.

Shit I forgot about college! I've missed to much already! Maybe I can get caught up? Should I just drop out now? Fuck I don't know what to do. I can't go there what if mr. Mott is there I can't see him now. Not before target.

Maybe I should just go home and sleep. Maybe I'll be okay then.

When I arrive home o notice there's a package. I'm afraid to know what it is after what I just went through. I bring the package inside and set in on my counter. What if it's a bomb? What if it's drugs? It could be anything. Then my phone goes off. I've never jumped so high before. I'm deffinatly paranoid.

I looked at my phone and noticed it was just a notification from amazon letting me know my package arrived. I completely forgot that I ordered this. I opened the box to find my  cheese it's.

Yes I did order cheese it's from amazon I was to lazy to go to the store. I was afraid to eat the cheese it's now. But what would amazon do to me? I buy stuff all the time. I continued to open the cheese it's and eat them when I realized what time it was. It was nearly 4am and I can't remember the last time I went to sleep.

I was still a little scared to be alone right now so I slept with the light on. As I lay there I have so many thoughts going through my head... maybe I should get and dog. Maybe a fish? Why don't I get a new mattress this one is hard.  It took another 30 minuets to fall asleep. But once I did I didn't wake up until nearly 5 the next day.

It's Monday and I've lost most of the day to prepare myself for tomorrow. Tomorrow I go to target. Isle 14 to be exact.

After I have a panic attack I was calm enough to find something to wear for tomorrow. I desired to go with a floral shirt that comes off the shoulder, some light blue ripped jeans and black slip on vans. I even later put my makeup that I'm going to wear.

I eat some more cheese it's and head off to bed. Again it takes me a while to fall asleep but I eventually do.


I can hear my alarm go off but I was so comfy I didn't want to move. I decided to put it on snooze a couple times until it reached 10am. I realized that I need to get in the shower and start getting ready or I'm going to be late. We planned on meeting around 1pm. I hopped into the shower which takes me about 30 minuets. I forgot how great a warm shower was. I just felt so dirty that wash my hair like 5 times. I'm sure it's not good for you hair but I don't care anymore.

I hopped out of the shower and wrapped my body in a towel and put my hair back. I sat on my head where I normally do my makeup and laid everything out. I do my makeup in the same order everyday.. eyebrows, primer, foundation, concealer, bake my face, more powder, bronzer, eyeshadow, mascara, highlight. Sometimes use setting spray before I do my lips but today I didn't. By the time I was dont with my makeup it was already 11:30.

I had to quickly get dressed pretty fast if I wanted to eat to. When I was done I went to my kitchen and got a bowl of Frosted Flakes. My favorite obviously. When I was done eating it was 12:15. I was on my phone a lot and I may have eaten multiple bowls. Oh well. But when I was dont I got my keys and headed out. Target isn't close to me but it's my favorite store so I can make the trip there.

It reaches 12:49 and I decided to go inside. I decided to do my normal shopping too. I was able to get everything off of my list but one. I needed cereal. I was kinda dreading going down that aisle. I was scared what would happen. I finicky got the courage to go down that isle. I was waiting for him looking stupid. People must think I'm having a hard decision to pick out a cereal.

I'm waiting for a long time On my phone. I noticed I had been in the store for almost 3 hours. I start to think that this was all in my head and that I'm stupid for even suggesting this. But then my phone goes off.

*beep beep*

I answer the phone hoping it was mr. Mott but what I got instead was shocking.


"Hi we're looking for Harlee Thompson."


The world stopped. I couldn't move. I dropped my phone. I was frozen. People stared but did nothing.

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