The Love Triangle Begins..

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[Tessa's POV:]

~It was around 9:30am when all of a sudden i hear screaming and yelling coming from Chance and Anthony's room. I get up to see eggs all over the hallway floor and in Chanthony's room. I turn through the doorway and see Jake vlogging while whipping eggs at them both.~

Tessa: "Can't say i wasn't expecting this.."

*Jake turns around with his vlog camera in one hand, and a carton of eggs in the other.*

Jake: "Good morning Tessa!!"

Tessa: "Morning Jakeeee!!"

*Tessa turns around and walks downstairs*

*So, here's the situation. Chance, Anthony, and Jake all like Tessa. She likes them all back too, so she's basically screwed. Everyday she tries and finds who she thinks is right for her, but it takes time and she has to try and find out who everyone truly is.*

*Jake walks out of Chanthony's room and follows Tessa down the stairs into the kitchen.*

Jake: "Hey Tessa.."

Tessa: "Hey Jake."

Jake: "Do you wanna go out to breakfast? I have to run a few errands for a challenge later so i figured we could just go out?"

Tessa: "Sure! There aren't any eggs left anyways.."

Jake: "Heh..oops, sorry."

Tessa: "It's fine hah, let's go."

*Jake and Tessa hop into Jake's car and drive to The Grove for breakfast. Jake and Tessa sit  down at 'Breakfast Bar,' a new place in town.*

Jake: "So Tessa, for this challenge i'm doing.. I'm gonna take a bunch of fruit and use the sword i ordered off amazon to slice them in half, so it's gonna be called, "REAL LIFE FRUIT NINJA" Sounds cool right?!"

Tessa: "Jake that sounds really sure you wanna do this?"

Jake: "Tessa please, i know what i'm doing. Danger is my middle name.."

Tessa: "I thought it was Joseph?"

Jake: "Oh shush.."

*They both laughed and ate their breakfast. They finally finished and they walked over to Ralph'a to pick up fruit for Jake's challenge.*

Jake: "Alright so, we need an orange, an apple, a watermelon, grapes, a grapefruit, and a cantaloupe."

Tessa: "Okay, let's go get them."

*Jake whipped out his vlog camera and vlogged the whole grocery store trip. He hid the camera while Tessa went to get the grapes and scared her. She threw the grapes up in the air and they exploded all over the floor. She looked at Jake and laughed, Jake laughed and they quickly ran away.*

Jake: "Oopsss, sorry about that Tessa."

Tessa: "Hah, it's okay.."

[Tessa's POV:]

~I think i'm starting to really like Jake. He doesn't try to flirt or impress me 24/7 like Chanthony does. I still like them but i feel like my feelings for Jake are growing stronger. I still don't know though, only time will tell.~

*They drove back home from the store and walked into the house to find Chanthony and Erika in the kitchen.*

Tony: "Where have you guys been? It's already 11:30am.."

Tessa: "We just went out to breakfast and got supplies for Jake's challenge, is everything okay?"

Tony: "Yeah i'm fine."

*Tony quickly went to the bathroom and angrily slammed the door.*

[Tony's POV:]

~I know what Jake is trying to do and he knows exactly what he's doing. I need to step up my game to win Tessa's heart.~

*Tony walked out of the bathroom and Tessa and Erika were in the kitchen while Chance and Jake were setting up the challenge in the backyard.*

Tony: "Tessa can i talk to you? In private?"

Tessa: "Sure Tony, be right back Erika."

*Tessa follows Tony upstairs.*

Tony: "Tessa you know i really like you.."

Tessa: "But so does Chance and Jake.."

Tony: "I know, but do you think you're ready to choose yet?"

Tessa: "Tony you can't rush me into picking who i want to be with. It's already stressful enough 3 guys all like me and yet i'm living with them. Time will tell and we will all have to wait."

Tony: "Alright."

*Tessa's phone rang, it was from Chance.*

Tessa: "One second Tony, i gotta take this."

*Tony rolled his eyes, him and Chance are in more of a feud then him and Jake are, it's because they're whole life they've been best friends, and everything is a competition.*


T: "Hello?"

C: "Hey Tess, can we meet up for lunch in 10 minutes at V Café? I need to talk to you about something.."

T: "Sure Chance, see you then."


*Tessa arrives at V Café and sits down with Chance, they order lunch.*

Chance: "So Tessa, what i want to talk about is...

•New Chapter's Every Other Days Part 2: 6/27•

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