There's a lot they all
Still don't know about me
Yet I was unable
To keep my being from herThe mystery of the
Psychotic soul
That lingers around in a body
A body made to perfection
Carved for the bestTo portray an image
Fit for peoples eyes
A smile that hides eternity
Of the depressed soul withinI take this time
To reveal what you've been missing....It all starts with a small clue
A clue that leads to
Unbelievable discoveries.
But before we reach that stageOur minds analyse the clue
Building unanswered questions
That grow suspicion
And attention
To the smallest detailThis mystery is bound to be solved
And we begin with YOU.
Investigations as a first step
Witnesses as my second
Courts,Judges,Trials...Left with the mist of disappearance
From this mystery
We once had in our print.I bare Footprint's
And Fingerprints
Of a soul very few know
A mystery yet to be solved
But for every step we take
Towards this wonder world
The sand is sucked deeperMaking it harder to place my
Prints on the face of this being.Mirrors telling a story
That very few get to analyse
I stand in front of the mirror
And No I see not my reflection
But the soul that lingers
In this vessel
We call a body.It twists
And turns
And talks to me
And she says its tells lies
So I'm asked to stop
Talking to the girl
In the mirror.But what you don't know
Is that she faces me with
No fear
No fear to see the rivers
And the bloodshot eyes
That my palms once heldJust before I soaked my headrest with an ocean
Of salt and water
That was produced inside me...This may never make sense
And you will try to understand
But Like a Mystery
It's all just another puzzle
Waiting to be solved...~Psychotic🌹
Journey down Lisa's mind
PoetryThis is a poetry book with my works and a few other friends of mine. I won't be updating it much often because as you know poetry comes with emotions, but I won't leave you hanging for too long. this is going to be my first official work so give me...