Starting Fresh

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The boy stepped into the school, his blazer oversized and his pants hanging low around his waist due to not fitting properly.

He ran a shaky hand through his messy black fringe, his hair spiked up in the back and his eyes wide with fear.

His palms were sweaty and his lower lip was red after being bitten so hard.

He was starting at a new school and quite honestly, he was so scared that he thought he was going to faint.

He had been bullied at his old school after doing something. Something that he tried to forget every day. But now he was here, on a scholarship, it was likely to end out good, so long as he didn’t make the same mistake again this time.

He was hoping he’d do well – like, he couldn’t be too awkward in only five periods, could he?

He checked his crumpled timetable – he had maths up first, then English, recess, history, Phys Ed, lunch, then science.

Not a terribly bad day – what could possibly go wrong?



Pressed up against the lockers was the tall male known as Gerard Way; social outcast, low-scoring, non-conforming.

He was being pinned up by the throat, by one of the popular kids, a muscular, sport-fanatic guy.

‘Give me all your money or you’ll get a fist to your head!’

‘Dude,’ he grunted, ‘I don’t have any money.’

The male glared into his eyes, gritting his teeth a little before hitting him square in the face.

Gerard slid down against the lockers, his hand moving up to his nose and he looked into his palms, blood drizzled across them.

As the douchey male walked off, Gerard stood up, grabbing his books out of his locker and walking down the hallway.

He wiped his nose against his sleeve, the nosebleed annoying him a little. Oh well, it wasn’t the worst he’d had to deal with.

Rushing a little, he hadn’t noticed the figure heading his way until he had ran into them.


Gerard dropped his books in shock. He got down onto his knees, retrieving them, as did the figure.

He glanced up, his eyes meeting with the glossy hazel coloured pair of a boy he’d never seen before.

He stood straight up, holding the books he’d picked up, as did the boy, who was holding out the ones he’d retrieved awkwardly.

He smiled down at him; this kid had nice hair, his fringe long but the rest cut short, it looked spiked in the back. He was quite short. Gerard resisted the temptation of lifting his hand and measuring the boy’s height against his.

The boy looked away shyly, as Gerard laughed, brushing back his long dark black fringe. He took the books from the boy, as he said, in slightly low voice, ‘Hi, I haven’t seen you around here before.’

The boy looked a little shocked, as if he was expecting Gerard to not talk, before, nodding quickly, saying in a lighter tone than Gerard’s; ‘Yeah, that’s because I’m new here...’

Gerard smiled softly, saying, ‘You seem like a nice person. I’m Gerard. Gerard Way, though the guys around here, tend to call me by the nickname of Gerard Gay, just to piss me off. I’m not actually gay, for the record... Oh, I’m going on about myself again. What’s your name?’

‘An—’ The boy paused, hesitating a moment. ‘... Frankie. Frankie Iero.’

‘Frankie? That’s a cool name. Alright, I’ll see you around, then.’

He stepped around him and walked off, as Frank turned around and watched him go.

He inhaled a little, sighing. Wow.


AN: hey!

I'm Felix, and I occasionally write stuff that I put on here.

All of which, so far, have been MCR based? Two crackfics and a short story based on the song "Cancer"... Hm.

Well, I write proper Frerard oneshots a lot, and I decided to give writing a chapter-based fic a try.

So, here's this!

It is based off of a picture set I saw on tumblr, is my inspiration. About Ray talking to Gerard like 'I think that new kid likes you...' bleh blablah. That's my inspiration, and yeah.

I'm trying to make this funny also... I don't want this to be your average 'Frank meets Gerard, Frank and Gerard fall in love, kissy kissy buttsecks', fic, since that just ain't my style. But yeah. I'm trying, so bear with me please, I've only ever written one full chapter story and it sucked hardcore since it was rushed. We're going on this adventure together.

[by the way I might not English very well and my grammar is awful sometimes so I apologise for that. I hate bad grammar but I'm terrible at it myself so?]

My AN's will be much shorter from now on. Love y'all! Fee, out! <3

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