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Frank sat across from Ray and beside Mikey, who’s insisted they were next to each other, as he quietly munched on his sandwich, Ray and Mikey exchanging details about Gerard and the mascot.

First day in, and he was already involved in the attack of another student... Great going, Frank...

Then again, he thought to himself, First day and I already made some allies, it seems, despite my social impairment. It’s actually been a great day, in fact...

‘So,’ said Mikey, turning to Frank, ‘What do you say? Are you going to be part of our group or what?’

Frank looked a little taken aback. Nobody... Had ever wanted him to be their friend before, it just sorta, happened.

He nodded, smiling. ‘Yes, of course, I would love that! Thank you!’

Ray grinned. ‘It’s okay, little buddy, we were all new here once, we all had tough times and we’re all in this together.’

Frank flashed a grin. Today was going great.

Ray took a bite into his sandwich, as Mikey began to talk about some random thing, his hands moving off the table and then underneath, his right hand grabbing Frank’s left and Frank held back from laughing a little.

‘So,’ said Mikey, letting go and pulling his backpack onto his lap and rummaging through a pocket, pulling out a crumpled bit of paper, flattening it out against his leg. ‘Frankie, gimme your timetable, I’ll see what we have together.’

Frank handed over his own timetable, and Mikey quickly snatched it, capturing a picture of it on his small phone, a blackberry the crappiest phone of them all. He smiled a little, saying, ‘I have science next period too! We’ll be in that class together!’ he almost squealed a little.

Frank giggled a little. He liked Mikey, Mikey was cool.

Mikey was going through and highlighting on his timetable which periods he had with Frank when a buff guy came up behind him and hit him across the back of the head, his glasses falling off and his eyes going wide, frozen in shock.

‘Hey there, Mikey Gay,’ crowed the guy, grabbing the glasses and waving them about, laughing.

‘G-Give me back my glasses, Jeremy...! You know I can’t see without them!’ he yelled, fear in his voice.

‘Make me,’ said Jeremy, holding them just out of Mikey’s reach as he looked around blindly.

Ray stood up angrily, leaning over the table. ‘Give them back. Now. Or I’ll make you regret it.’

The guy sighed, rolling his eyes and throwing them at Mikey, walking away. ‘Psh, whatever, Princess.’

Ray was audibly holding back from screaming as he sat back down, swallowing his rage.

Mikey put on his glasses again, a look of sadness crossing his face as he held back from crying, pulling his knees up to his chest as Frank frowned, placing a hand on his shoulder. ‘Are you okay, Mikey...?’

‘... I’m fine...’ he sniffed, his facial expression going back to a blank look, as he finished off highlighting the things, passing Frank back his timetable.

Ray sighed. ‘Those jerks are such total dickheads. Ever since Mikey came out as gay...’

Mikey looked up in fear at Ray, shaking his head a little, as Frank shrugged.

‘Just ignore them, Mikey, and you’ll be fine.’

Mikey looked a little stupefied.

‘... You... You’re not... Mad?’

Frank blinked. ‘... About what?’

‘I’m gay?’


Mikey grinned, looking ridiculously happy as he threw himself into a hug with Frank, who sat there in almost shock.

‘Oh my god, Frankie Iero, you are perfect!’

Frank smiled, pressing his head against Mikey’s chest. ‘Thanks, Mikey.’

Ray coughed a little, muttering, ‘Mikey, your gay is showing...’ and Mikey let go, going back to eating some food happily.

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