Sweet Revenge

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Frank stood, in almost sheer horror, as Ray grinned wildly, walking almost too fast for Frank to keep up.

'What are we--'

'We're teaching that bastard a lesson.'

'I gathered that, but...'

'Just, do what I do, okay?'

Frank nodded, a little hesitantly.

Ray slowed down a little, pointing.

‘That guy,’ he growled under his breath, ‘he’s the one who knocked out Gerard.’

Frank blinked. ‘What, the guy in the dog costume?’

‘Yeah, that’s the school mascot. The guy in the suit itself is a douche... Okay, on the count of three...’

‘Wait, what? What on the count of three?’

‘One... Two.... Three!’

Frank found himself running after Ray, unsure of what he was doing; all he knew was that they were getting some form of revenge somehow.

And they tackled the mascot to the groun, and Ray began hitting his face a couple times, as Frank pushed himself up. Ray stopped after landing a few hard blows to the guy’s face.

There weren’t that many people on the field – just the cheerleaders, practising, and someone else...?

Though, the cheerleaders had run off squealing when they saw Ray and him tackle the guy.

Ray looked up, seeing the figure headed towards them; and he was quickly on his feet, a surge of adrenaline rushing through him. ‘Get the hell out of here!’ he called over his shoulder, as Frank sat on his knees, paralysed in fear.

He was too afraid to run, but he knew that he was in deep crap.

‘Hey... Y-You...!’

That voice... Mikey, was it?

He looked up, as the boy towered above him. He was so tall, yet so awkward.

Frank smiled a little, as Mikey looked a little worried, a hand outstretching down and he bent over, Frank taking his hand, he was pulled upwards.

He dusted off his pants, as Mikey’s face went from affectionate to spiteful, and he kicked the mascot’s head, turning back to Frank, an almost-smile on his face.

‘You beat him up?’

‘N-No, actually, I just helped... Ray did m-most of it...’

Mikey nodded, brushing back his brown messy fringe, which just flopped back down in front of his eyes, his black-rimmed glasses a little wet.

‘That’s what he deserves for messing with Gee...’ he muttered, then asked, ‘I didn’t quite catch your name last time. What was it, sorry?’

‘Frank... I’m... Frank.’

Mikey nodded, laughing a little. ‘That’s such a cool name... Here, c’mon, we’ll go back to the cafeteria and find Ray...’

AN: So hey! This chapter is shortshortshort but I'm writing more and I guess the rest will be up in like an hour or so, yeah. See y'all later! - Fee <3

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