Mikey, You Weirdo.

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When the bell rang, Mikey launched himself up, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his back, grabbing Frank by the wrist and pulling him along.

Frank was taken by surprise – god, Mikey was fast.

They were inside the science room faster than Frank had noticed; he was sitting at a desk beside the thrilled Mikey, who was almost shaking, out of breath and over-excited.

Frank smiled softly as Mikey slapped his science books on his desk, turning to Frank and then asking him several things, random questions out of curiosity.

'So, where are you from?'

'Whats your favourite colour?'

'Favourite band?'

'Do you have a girlfriend?'

'Who do you have a crush on?'

'Where abouts do you live?'

'Do you have any brothers or sisters?'

'Are you usually violent or timid?'

'What are you gonna be doing Saturday night?'

All to which Frank replied, laughing a little at Mikey's enthusiasm towards him.

When the teacher came in and began writing stuff up on the board, the boy didn't even seem to notice, he just kept on talking and talking until the teacher threatened to move him away from Frank if he didn't shut up.

The room was silent as everyone worked, writing out in their books about chemical reactions and stuff.

Towards the end of the period, Mikey was still a little worked up, and the teacher sighed.

'Michael Way, calm down. What has gotten into you?'

'Nothing, miss. I'm fine. I'm okay, I promise.'

'Sure...' she rolled her eyes as Mikey grinned, finishing off the notes and then flipping to the back of his book, writing something down and tearing it out.

'Here,' he said, handing it to Frank. 'This is my number. Text me when you get home, okay?'

'O-Okay...' Frank nodded, taking the torn paper from the over-excited boy as the bell rang loudly.

'Well, seeya, Frankie!' he waved to Frank, grabbing his bag and practically launching himself over the desk and our of the room, the teacher groaning in annoyance as he ran into her, then around her.

'God, he's strange,' smiled Frank, laughing under his breath as he packed up his things and began to walk out of the room, ready to go home.

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