The Boy Next Door

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10/ 19/ 16
Chapter 1
I finished the last dance move I needed to win the game. I threw the controller down and looked at my little brother Caleb. "Sucks to be you right now" there was a knock on the door and our mom walked in. "Bre can I see you for a second?" I nodded my head yes and followed her out of the room downstairs. She walked over to the living room and pulled back the blue curtains a little. I looked out the window and saw a big moving truck in front of the house next door. "We have neighbors" we haven't had neighbors in so long. I wonder what would make someone want to live here now. I watched as the family was moving boxes off the truck. The mother looked around late 30s her hair was a bob and she didn't dress her age. Next was a little girl she looked around the same age as Caleb 9 or 10 years old. Then a boy he looked like he was my age probably 17 or 18 years old. He was hot light-skinned he had an arm full of tattoos and from the shirt, he had on I could see the tattoos on his neck and chest. I saw him look this way and I threw the curtains back. What a great way to introduce myself hi I'm your neighbor Gabriella you know the one you saw stalking you from her living room window. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom grabbing bags of chips and granola bars from our pantry. "Please tell me you're not about to give our snacks to the neighbors" she looked over at me and smiled "I sure am a matter of fact we're all going over there together so go upstairs and put on something nice like that black dress Maya bought you. I shook my head no and opened the fridge "pass me a couple of sodas and at least put on some decent clothes." I looked down at my outfit I was wearing a black tank top with Batman shorts. I walked upstairs and put my long curly brown hair into a ponytail and grabbed my towel on my way to the bathroom I noticed I could see into the bedroom next to mine. I looked in the room and didn't see anything everything was still packed in boxes I really hope its the little girl because it's not going to be easy living next door to the boy. I closed my purple blinds and walked to the bathroom and took a 10-minute shower thinking about how I should introduce myself. I got out the shower and walked in front of the mirror "hey I'm Gabriella but everyone calls me Bre" that sounds lame "sup I'm Bre" that just sounds like I'm trying too hard. There was a knock on the door "hurry up it's not like if you stay in there longer you can get cute." I opened the door and saw Caleb with his towel in his hand "mom's making you shower too huh bout time" I walked out of the bathroom and walked to my bedroom. I put on my underwear and bra. I walked over to my speakers and pressed play on my phone and Bad Liar by Selena Gomez started playing. I danced around my room and walked over to my closet and looked for my favorite pair of shorts. There black and like 3 sizes down from my real size but they squeeze by bottom half so it looks like my butt is big. I found then and put them on and looked for another tank top to wear with my plaid shirt but I couldn't find one so I put on a crop bulls shirt. I looked in my full body mirror my style looked like I was trying too much but oh well I'll just go out with Maya tonight. I put my hair in a curly bun and put on some chapstick and my new black jordans that I didn't plan on wearing till next month until school started again but oh well. I walked downstairs and saw my mom wearing a dress and high heels "What are you wearing?" We both said in unison "mom we're only going next door, not to dinner" she looked me up and down "where are you going with your stomach out like that?" My stomach wasn't showing that much but just enough to show my belly piercing. "Maya wanted me to hang out with her tonight" she nodded her head ok then looked back at me "you can't I have work tomorrow" I pouted "How about the neighbors?" She looked at me confused then shook her head no "Caleb were going next door join us when you finish." I grabbed the basket my mom made and walked to the front door. "You go over there introduce yourself then I'll be there I have to change." I nodded my head ok and walked outside I didn't even practice what I was going to say. I walked to the front door and rung the bell. Then he opened the door "hi I'm Gabriella I live next door" he smiled at me oh my gosh he was even cuter when he smiled. On the inside I was screaming but on the outside, I played it cool. I handed him the basket "my mom made this for you" he took the basket and placed it on the table next to him. He opened the door more "come in" I walked in and looked around this looked just like our house. Oh, who am I kidding this place was so much nicer no dirty clothes scattered on the floor next to the laundry room. No cups on the dining room table. The little girl appeared from the back "hello I'm Layla your really pretty" I smiled at her "thank you and your pretty too." The boy came back and picker her up from the ground "Are you bothering the guest?" She shook her head no not able to talk because of the laughing she was doing. He put her back down then the mom walked in right now I felt weird because neither my mom nor brother had come yet. "Hi you must live next door" I nodded my head, yes smiling. The boy sat down beside me and the little girl on the other side "Mom this is Bre" he already figured out my nickname. "Well Bre how old are you?" I looked down and could see his arm the whole thing was tattooed but I couldn't see his chest anymore because he changed shirts. "I'm 17 turning 18 in 2 weeks" I felt him staring at me so I looked up "well I'm Ms. Thomas but you can call me Cady you already met Gabe and Layla. " Ah, finally I found out his name Gabe. I smiled in response not knowing what else to say. "My mom and little brother should be coming later on to introduce themselves " she nodded her head ok "mommy can Bre have a tea party with me" her mom looked up at me I nodded my head yes. We walked up the stairs to her room which was painted pink it reminded me of how I was when I was little when I begged my mom to paint my room pink but instead it's purple. I sat down at the small table and she sat down opposite of me. As soon as we started talking and she started to pour the "tea" the doorbell rung I got up from the table and walked downstairs when Gabe opened the door Daquan and Jordan. There the number one fuckboys of General High. Just when I thought Gabe would be normal. Jordan looked over at me and smiled "look it's fishy bre" ugh that stupid name it doesn't even make since.
"Ok girls I want you to do underwater swimming all the way to the other side." Most of the girls sucked their teeth others were still trying to get warm. Coach blew the whistle and I started swimming when I finished I realized I was the only one who did the drill. Everyone was laughing but I didn't care cause at the end of the day I had a higher grade.
*Flashback Over*
I did a small wave and walked back towards the door. "I'm gonna leave now tell Layla I'll come back over some other time." He nodded his head ok and smiled at me. I walked over to my mom's truck and got inside only to hear a knock on the window. I looked at the passenger side and saw Gabe. I rolled down the window and he handed me my phone "thank you" he held on to my hand for a few seconds "I saved my number in there text me sometimes smiley." I nodded my head ok and rolled back up the window and drove to Maya's house.

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