I've been loving you for quite some time (sweeran story)

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Chapter 1- Questions

Taylor was wondering around the kitchen trying to find the ingredients for the cookies that she knew her husband liked. She had just put her five year old daughter Talia down for a nap, and was enjoying a few minutes alone before her husband and her other two kids came back from school.

Today was a very special day. It was their eighth wedding anniversary. They had planned on having a nice quiet dinner in the house and then some time only for them. She was getting everything ready. Her mom would pick up the kids at seven and they would spend the night at their house.

The front door opened, and Taylor heard Anne talking with Ed as their 8 year old boy Andrew ran towards her.

" mommy, is it true that today we are staying with Nana?" The little boy asked to his mother while she lifted him and placed him on the counter top of the kitchen.

" yes honey. Daddy and I are going to have some alone time because it anniversary" she replied to her son.

Ed entered the kitchen and smiled at Taylor. Even after all the time they have been together he fell in love with her everyday. She was still the same girl he met at the university, the same bright smile and piercing blue eyes.

" hello love. Do I smell my favorite cookies in the world?" He pecked his wife's lips and sat with his son by the counter.

" yes, but you can't have them until later" both Ed and Andrew complained but Taylor didn't give in.

Anne came into the kitchen with a bunch of photo albums in her hands. She started to go through them, but she seemed to be looking for something specific. Ed sat with her as they saw the pictures. Pictures of Anne and Taylor playing in the backyard, Ed and her in Disney world, and several more.

" why are you looking at the albums Annie?" She kept going trough the pages and sticking notes around photos that she needed.

" I need to make a family tree for a school project and I need photos of all of us. Dad, do you have photos of grandma and grandpa's wedding?" Ed thought for a minute trying to remember.

" I think I do let me look for them. You packed everything for tonight?"

He asked while getting up and heading to check on Talia and Andrew.

Anne nodded and kept looking for photos until she found one she didn't know who they were.

" mom? Who is this guy in the photo?" Taylor walked around and sat right next to Anne.

She looked closer to the photo and realized which picture was. Taylor passed her fingers over the album page not answering Anne.

" that's your father. Baby, why don't you go and help your little sister pack? I'm sure Nana is about to arrive" Anne was still curious about it. That wasn't the answer she was looking for.

Anne knew about Logan. She knew that he died when she was just months old, and that he was on his way to visit them when he got into the car crash. But that was all she knew and she wanted to know more. She was also afraid to ask more. She had figured that it wasn't an easy topic to discuss. She didn't want to hurt Ed's feelings so she never asked him about it, and her mom simply seemed to think that that was enough information for Anne to know about her father.


Ed and Taylor were sitting on the couch enjoying a bottle of wine. The room was dark, only a few lights from candles around the room allowed them to see each other's faces. Ed was caressing her arm as she rested her head on his shoulder. It was nothing fancy, just the two of them enjoying each other. The love was still there after those eight years. She still found adorable the way his ginger hair went in all directions and how he called her love in his still strong British accent. Taylor kissed his neck and took a sip of wine.

" I'm so glad we still enjoy this kind of things. Just us. No interruptions or almost walks in" Ed laughed a little.

" yeah, me too love, but I wouldn't change those three for anything in the world" Taylor smiled in the darkness as she remembered the funny interruptions and the embarrassing almost walks in.

" we never really had alone nights often. Since the beginning Anne was there" she said while cuddling closer to Ed.

" I loved her at the minute she said that I had funny hair. She is just like you. So outspoken and smart " Taylor always loved when Ed said something good about Anne. She knew men like Ed were hard to find.

" happy anniversary babe" Taylor said while kissing him.

" happy anniversary love, I should take you upstairs celebrate" Ed returned the kiss and carried Taylor up to their room so they could really start the celebrations.

I've been loving you for quite some time (sweeran story)Where stories live. Discover now