New and old romances

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Anne had some convincing to do. She wasn't really worried about what her mom would say but more what her dad would. The thing was that a boy had asked her out. She really wanted to go on the date with him. He was sweet and charming with her, but there was an slight problem. He was older than her. She knew that Taylor wouldn't mind so much that her date was 16 but she wasn't so sure about Ed.

Anne walked over to Taylor's office. She was taking advantage that Ed had gone to pick her little siblings from school so she had the house alone.

" mom? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Anne asked as she sat in front of Taylor. Her mom looked up from the computer to give all her attention to her daughter.

" what's up baby?" Taylor could tell that Anne was nervous about something.

"Mmm... You see... A boy asked me on a date this Friday..." Anne blushed. Taylor squeal and smiled at her daughter.

" that's great honey!!" Anne loved that her mom was always so supportive and excited about little things like this one.

" but the thing is that he is older than me. I know that you don't care much about this but I know dad does... So could you tell him?... Convince him to let me go?" Taylor smiled and nodded at her daughter. She knew what she had to do. Convincing Ed wasn't really difficult.

" how old is he? So I can talk to your dad about it?" Annie smiled to her mom.

" he is 16" Taylor nodded and asked

"Is he driving you to the date and back?" Anne nodded " let me see what I can do"

Ed arrived with the two little ones around 5 o'clock. Andrew went directly to his mom who was waiting for him in the kitchen with her arms open.

" mummy! You got to see the picture I draw today" he was so excited. That was the best part of the day for both Ed and Taylor. Usually the kids would talk about what they did on school that day. Annie had started with the usual "not much or nothing" but Andrew and Talia would talk non stop about it and both parents would place their drawing on the fridge.

Taylor and Ed had gotten themselves to enjoy some quiet and gentle love making after the kids went to bed " I missed our nights like this" Ed chuckled at Taylor's comment. She kept drawing invisible patterns on Ed's arm " we should get a romantic getaway as late anniversary present"

Taylor looked up to him and smiled softly " that would be awesome. Just you and me. No teenage drama or toddlers running around the house all day" Ed laughed at ran his fingers through her blond hair.

" a second honeymoon" Ed gave her a huge smile " just me enjoying time with my wife and spoiling her" Taylor kissed him, their kisses turning more and more heated. It was an sleepless but amazing night for both Ed and Taylor.

I've been loving you for quite some time (sweeran story)Where stories live. Discover now