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Taylor woke up at early hours. She couldn't sleep much. Her head was full of questions and worries. She looked over to her husband. He looked peaceful but she knew better. After the conversation that she had with her daughter, Ed had been feeling sad. Taylor knew that it affected him more than he let on. She kissed his shoulders and got up. She started the coffee machine trying to find some sense of calmness in the smell of it.

She was staring at the window, the cup of coffee warming her from the cold morning. A pair of strong colorful arms surrounded her waist and a light kiss on her shoulder comforted her.

" love, what are you doing up so early?" Ed asked while kissing her shoulder again.

" I couldn't sleep much" she admitted. She turned around with tears glistening in her blue eyes.

Ed frowned at the sight of Taylor in distress. He knew things weren't really smooth right now. He also felt stressed, he was trying to find a reason of the sudden change in Anne. But he also had Andrew and Talia to worry about.

" hey I know things haven't been easy this past week but today is a new day" he hugged Taylor.

" the kids grew up so quick. Talia is going to preschool today. Now I'm going to be alone in the house. I want my babies back" Taylor sighed

" I want my babies back too. Specially Annie. She used to love being around me. She used to call me daddy and now it's just Ed" his voice broke a little at the end.

Taylor hugged him tight. She really hoped that it was just a phase that Anne was going through, and not something that would break the special bond she had with Ed.

" You are really special to both Anne and I. She is just confused like we all are when teenage. It will get better soon" Ed just nodded.

" it's almost time to wake the kids for school. Could you do that while I start making breakfast?" Taylor asked while looking for the apron.

Leaving Talia in school was really hard specially for Taylor. She wouldn't cry in front of her daughter but when Talia entered class Taylor couldn't help herself. The funny thing was that Talia didn't cry when they left her , but Taylor cried the whole way home.

Being alone has it's perks too. Ed had planned on letting Taylor relax all day so he prepared lunch and let her sleep. When the time came, he picked Andrew and Talia from school and took them to the park. One thing he loved about his son was that he was extremely easy going, he was Ed's perfect buddy. They would go to the park once a week and just talk. It was a nice break from a house full of girls and drama. Just a nice walk with his best buddy.

It was late night when Ed did his usual check up on the kids. The two little ones were fast asleep as soon as their bedtime story finished, but Anne was awake when Ed passed by.

" hey Annie. Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked hopeful. Anne nodded and sat on the bed.

" I just need to tell you this. I don't know what I did wrong that made you change your opinion about me" Anne could feel her eyes water at the sight of Ed looking at her with sad eyes " I remember when you were about your sister's age and the first thing that you said to me was that my hair was funny. You had me wrapped around your finger as soon as I met you. I don't know what I did wrong or when things changed but you are my little Annie and as much as I would love to be "daddy" again just remember that I will be always here even if it is as Ed. You are the daughter I never thought I would have at 22 but you and your mom along with Andrew and Talia are the best thing that happened to me" Ed got up and kissed Annie in the forehead.

" I love you Anne. I hope you never forget it" he whispered to the girl and left the room.


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