Walking in

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Taylor woke up to Ed's soft fingers drawing invisible figures on her naked back. The previous night had been amazing, it wasn't planned or anything like it, it just happened. Having three kids between 14 and 3 years old left them little time as a couple. Taylor turned around to find Ed smiling lightly at her.

" good morning love" he kissed her lips softly. He was looking at her like she was the most precious thing in earth.

" morning Ed" she cuddled closer to him. The morning kisses turned more and more heated, and the activities of the previous night were resumed.

Anne woke up late morning. She went downstairs wondering why the house was so quiet. Usually her mom and dad woke up the little ones and played with them for a while before making breakfast. Today everything was quiet. She went back upstairs. She checked first on Talia's room. The toddler was asleep cuddling close to her teddy bear. Andrew was also asleep in his room. Anne headed to her parents' bedroom and opened the door but immediately regretted it.

Ed and Taylor were really immersed in each other. Taylor was lying on top of Ed. Their naked bodies pressed together while sharing kisses when the door opened.

" oh my god! Please lock the door if you are having sex!" Anne half shouted as Taylor tried to cover herself with the bed sheets and Ed looked completely embarrassed in front of his daughter.

" we will meet you downstairs Annie" Taylor said mortified; waiting for her daughter to leave so they could both get dressed. Anne nodded and closed the door.

Ed looked over at Taylor whose cheeks where the color of Ed's hair. Ed laughed lightly and kissed the side of her head " this is why we need a second honeymoon, so the kids don't walk in on us"

Ed went down first. He walked into the kitchen and saw Anne already making pancakes. She looked up and shook her head " you know that I've been traumatized for life after today"

Ed chuckled and kissed Anne's side head " we were only kissing when you walked in" Anne groaned and shook her hair " but still you guys were naked... It doesn't take much to put two and two together"

Taylor walked down and smelled the pancakes " good morning Annie" she sat down in front of Anne " sorry for what happened earlier. Next time we will lock the door"


Ed and Taylor were sitting watching TV. They weren't truly paying attention to the TV, more like staring at each other and exchanging sweet kisses.

" Ed, I need to talk to you about something" she said to him cuddling further into him. He nodded and patiently waited.

" mmm... Annie was asked by a boy to a date this Friday" Ed's face got serious, and he kept quiet for a minute.

" do you know who he is?" Taylor shook her head but answered quickly.

" I know that he is 16 and Annie really likes him. Maybe if he first comes into the house and talks to us for a little bit before taking Anne to the date? would you be ok with that?"

Ed nodded " I guess I can live with that. She is all grown up now. She isn't my little pretty girl anymore" Taylor cuddled closer to him.

" you still have Talia" he smiled and looked down at Taylor " yeah, I don't want her to grow up. She still cuddles in bed with me before falling asleep"

Taylor smiled at him " she is still daddy's little girl" she kissed his cheek " maybe we should have another one. The last one though"

Ed smiled down at Taylor and kissed her lips softly " maybe we should"

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