One ok

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"No, this cannot be happening again" was all that went through Taylor's mind. The call was replaying in her head as Alex drove them to the hospital. She was about to get her car keys when Anne had stopped her. She told her that Alex would take them, that she wasn't in a driving state. For Taylor it was all the same as 14 years ago. The terrible called informing her that she had to go to the hospital. The same desperate feeling. But now it was worst. It was Ed, her husband, the love of her life and their children. Her babies. She prayed that they would be ok. She didn't know how she would survive if something happened to one of them.

Anne had called her grandmother on the way to the hospital to let her know. She had asked about how Taylor was but the truth was that she didn't quite know. She had never seen her mom so worried. She was shaking and saying " please not this again, god! I need them" repeatedly. Anne knew that Taylor was feeling like it was the same situation as when Logan died. She didn't remember anything about that, but she wasn't really sure that her mom would be ok if one of them wouldn't make it. Anne needed her dad, she needed Ed. He was so important for her. She also needed her little siblings. They were one of the best things that could have happened to her. She needed her family to be complete. They had to be ok.

As soon as she arrived to the hospital Taylor opened the door and run to the front desk " my husband and children where in a car crash. I need to see them" she said in a rush. The receptionist looked up at her with a comforting smile " their names?" Taylor was in a hurry and this was taking awfully long " my husband is Edward Sheeran, my kids are Talia and Andrew Sheeran" the receptionist looked for them " you kids are in the rooms 108 and 109" she nodded " my husband?" The receptionist looked again at the computer " he should be in the emergency wing"

Taylor walked over to the emergency wing until she found the cubicle where Ed was " oh my god! You are alive baby! " Taylor sat next to Ed and kissed him " I was so scared, I thought I was going to lose you" Ed kissed her forehead " I'm ok, I am more concerned about the kids" Taylor wiped her tears from her cheeks " do you have to stay here or can you come with me to see Talia and Andrew?" Taylor stood up and for the first time really saw Ed's injuries. He had a cast on his right arm and several cuts on his neck and face along with a collar on his neck. Taylor started to tear up, she could have lost him " hey hey! I'm ok Love. It's just some bruises and a cast. Let's go see our babies ok?" Ed spoke softly. He knew how worried she would be given how the last time someone close to her was in a car crash the person died.

Ed and Taylor walked slowly over to the waiting room to get the elevator when she saw Anne. Taylor was so freaked out when she arrived at the hospital that she forgot to tell Annie where to go. Their oldest daughter ran to her dad and hugged him as tight as she could " are you ok daddy? I was so scared and so was mom" Ed kissed his daughter's head and wiped tears out of her cheeks " I'm ok Annie. I'm sorry I probably ruined your date" Taylor smiled at both of them as Annie laughed at her father's comment " he was the one to drive us here... He had to go back home though he said he would call me tomorrow so maybe we can hang out" Ed kissed her forehead " whatever you want baby girl"

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