Tell me everything

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Anne was in her room looking for pictures. She needed to know more about this man that was her father. The things was that she felt that maybe there was something that her mom and Ed were hiding from her. Not that she wasn't grateful to Ed for taking care of her as if she was his daughter, but until she didn't know everything she didn't feel that it was right to call Ed "dad".

Anne went around looking for Taylor, she wanted answers and her mom was the only one that had them. She arrived to the kitchen and found Talia resting on Taylor's hip while Ed tried to make some icing for some cupcakes.

" hey Tali! Can I borrow mom for some minutes?" She asked her younger sister. Talia looked a lot like her but with the signature red hair of Ed.

" what do you need Annie?" Taylor placed Talia on the floor and told the little girl " stay with daddy ok?"

They sat down on Annie's room and she brought up a box with pictures she found of Logan.

" mom, I want to know more about my father" Annie looked at her mother with pleading eyes.

Taylor's mind went on overdrive. What could she tell her that wouldn't jeopardize her memory of Logan. The only good thing about that relationship had been Annie the rest was just a mess.

" I will tell you as much as I can. But I don't want you to obsess over this"

Anne nodded. She wanted as much information as she could get about Logan.

" As you know your father and I met on the senior year of high school. It wasn't a long relationship. We would break up and get together a lot of times" Taylor tried to find good memories of that relationship. Good memories of his personality but she couldn't.

"We had fun. He would take me on dates and stuff. I found out I was pregnant with you after visiting him on college during my gap year. We were 19 and 20. He freaked out at the beginning but he stayed" more like his parents made him take responsibility but she didn't want Anne to know that.

" he would visit every other weekend after you were born but when you were about 5 months he and his parents got on a car crash and no one survived" Taylor tried to calm herself down. She never got over that feeling. That call. She didn't have a great relationship with Logan but she always hoped things would get better.

Anne listened carefully to her mother but she also watched her reactions. There was something that she was definitely hiding from her.

" I remember living with grandma when I was little" Anne stated trying to get more information out of her mother.

" I had to go to college so I could find a decent job and support you. I didn't want to depend Nana all my life. But after the first year I good opportunity came but I had to move the UK and Nana offered me to take care of you while I studied but after two years I met your Dad..." Taylor was cut short by Anne

"Ed... He is not my father... So, to me is Ed" Anne stared at Taylor who had a confused expression written on her face.

Ed was passing trough the hallway when he heard Anne. He just couldn't comprehend what went wrong.

Taylor couldn't really understand why was Anne feeling that way towards Ed. He had been there for her more than anyone. He took Anne as his daughter when he was only 23.

" why not dad? He has always been there for both of us Anne" Taylor took a deep breath trying to not get mad " he loves you so much. Just because you don't have his blood doesn't mean he loves you less. I would break him if you stop calling him dad"

Anne tried to blink back tears, she knew that I would make him sad. The thing is that she didn't feel worthy of his love. She loved him so much. He was one of the few people that understood her, but she just couldn't shake the feeling of just being an extra person in the family.

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