The truth

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" Love, you have to tell Anne everything. Not only the beautiful part but also the real part. You need to explain to her why you are avoiding the topic" Ed said as he massage Taylor's shoulders.

After that first talk with Anne about Logan the nightmares she had before Ed returned. It would wake her up at night. Usually crying and sweating until Ed would comfort her and went back to sleep. Ed was trying to coax Taylor into talking about it. He knew that the nightmares were back because Logan was back on her mind. Taylor had said that the nightmare had changed. It was no longer Logan and Anne leaving her. It was him and the kids.

" how can I explain this to Anne? I just don't want to have to think about it" Taylor laid her head on Ed's shoulder.

He kissed her forehead " not talking about it is making you have nightmares" she sighed and cuddled closer to her husband.

Outside the room two pair of feet were making their way to the master bedroom of the house. Their heard the screams and cries of their mother, but as they got closer to the door the voice of Ed comforting her stopped them.

" are you ok buddy?" Asked Anne as she hugged her little brother. Anne walked with him to his room and got him into bed.

" why is mom crying?" Anne sighed and cuddled her brother.

" it was just a bad dream buddy. Mom is ok" Andrew cuddled further into Anne.

" I love you Annie. You are the best big sister ever" Andrew yawned. Eventually Anne fell asleep.


Anne took the opportunity. She and Taylor were the only ones in the house. She wanted to know what was so bad about her father that Taylor didn't want to talk about it.

"Mom, please tell me what is so bad about my father that you don't want to speak about it" Anne sat by her mom's side waiting to an answer.

" how do you know it's bad?" Taylor asked carefully waiting to see the reaction on her daughter's face.

" you are having nightmares. Yesterday Andrew and I woke up and were on our way to your room when we heard Ed comforting you" Taylor looked down with guilt. She had to face this. It was starting to affect everyone else in the family.

" I just want to know. It won't change anything between us" Anne placed her head on her mother's lap.

" but it did change something between you and your dad. Ed has been beating himself all these weeks trying to figure out what he did" Taylor explained while combing her daughter's hair with her fingers

" maybe if I know something more about my father I would come to peace about Ed" Anne looked at her mom. She stared back at her. Taylor's eyes where full of worry and doubt.

" I will tell you everything if you tell me exactly why these questions so suddenly" she was trying to find the common ground in which both of them could find themselves.

" it's just... I feel like I need to know more. More about myself. The only missing piece is my father" Taylor nodded and took a deep breath.

" what I'm going to tell you won't be pretty. It won't be easy to hear" Anne nodded encouraging Taylor to keep talking

" your father and I didn't have a great relationship. In fact, now that I look back I see how bad it was" Taylor looked at Anne who was listening carefully " I was used to be called useless, stupid and a lot of not appropriate things while dating Logan. He would say he kept going out with me because at least I was pretty" Taylor took a deep breath and stayed silent for a few seconds " I don't know why I kept going back to him. I would visit him and we would just fight. He never touched me until I told him I was pregnant with you"

Anne was trying to stay strong while she listened to her mom. She knew that in the moment she would start crying her mom would just stop " keep going" she whispered loud enough for Taylor to hear.

" he got mad, started to say that I was stupid, that I was sleeping around with other guys, that it couldn't be his baby. Between all that he pushed me against the wall which had some shelves and cut into my skin" Taylor was trying to keep it together, and so was Anne. Her father never wanted her. He didn't love her " finally his parents made him stay through the pregnancy and after I gave birth to you he tried to be nicer but he died shortly after so"

Anne couldn't keep it any longer. She had ruined her mom's life. She was a burden from the beginning. She didn't deserve someone as loving as Taylor and Ed as her parents. She didn't realize she had been sobbing until Taylor tried to comfort her

" it's ok baby. I'm here. I love you. Daddy loves you" Annie kept shaking her head no

" I ruined your life. If I hadn't been born you would have never had to go though all that. I'm sorry" she kept crying saying "sorry" over and over again.

" I wouldn't change anything in my life baby. I love you. You were the one that kept me going when things got ugly. I was scared because I didn't know how to be a mother. But I wouldn't change anything. You are the only thing I wouldn't change from that relationship" Taylor kissed the head of her daughter

After calming down a little she asked Taylor a question that came to her mind as soon as she realized that she had been so wrong " do you think daddy will forgive me? I hurt him but I'm so lucky that he loves me as much as he loves Andrew and Tali" she really hoped he would. She loved Ed.

They both didn't realize that Ed had arrived and quietly put down the two youngest for a nap.

" there's nothing to forgive baby girl. Come here, I love you so much Annie" Ed said as he entered the room. Annie got up from the bed and hugged her dad tightly " I love you daddy "


Please comment. I really put all my heart in this one chapter

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