Chapter 5

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     "Oh come on." 

I giggled as I shook my head again. 


 I laughed at his reaction. 

"This is not fair." 

Ashton and I were sat in english class with ten more minutes until lunch break. Ms Ross gave us some time to finish off an activity sheet. We completed it in no time so now we had some time to kill. I was helping him with his science homework, even though we didn't have the same class. He thought he'd gotten all of the answers right but they were all wrong! 

"It's okay Ash," I mocked as I pated his shoulder, attempting to mimic Sandy. 

He scrunched up his face and gave me a goofy expression as I tried to stifle my laugh. The bell finally rang and we stood up, pushing our chairs behind our desks and grabbing our bags. Ashton and I were closer now. The best friends title really suited us. During the last two weeks he's been very sweet, very attentive, and very supportive. We spent more time together; when I had a shift at the cafe he'd stay longer so I'd join him, during lunch- when he didn't have practice- we'd converse and joke. I'm thankful that he didn't turn up like Eric or the other jocks. He was always by my side, always being there for me. Anna has been there too, but she's been so busy with the volleyball thing that we chat before class and through Facebook. I'm not complaining, not at all. Ashton and I haven't started our tutoring session, we're starting today actually because it's not until today that we've gone deeper into our maths subject. I wasn't looking forward to it, because today it's at my house. I just hope George and mom won't be home. Anyhow, Jace on the other hand has been distant somehow, he hasn't been calling me much, only a few texts now and then. Aaron has though, we're getting back to where we've been, he sometimes tags along with Ashton to the cafe and we hang out there.

Celebrating this Sunday. We're an official team. We'll meet at the beach. Xoxo

I smiled and texted back: Congrats :) Sure, meet you there ;) 

Anna has been constantly speaking about the volleyball team, how excited she was, how stressed she was, how much it's taken her and Kayla to do all that's possible for such a team. They did it! I was glad I didn't have to stay home on Sunday, but I was nervous that Kayla and extra people would be there. My phone beeped and I looked over it. 

Another text from Anna: My brother's joining, I'll finally introduce you ;) 

Oh boy! 

"Hey," piped a voice. 

"Ready?" I asked. 

Ashton nodded as he walked around my car and opened the passenger door. 

"You sure you don't mind having this at your house?" 

I found it sweet how he always asked me before we did things. Whether it was spending time at the cafe, him having to leave me alone at lunch break, he was a great guy. 

"Stop worrying and put your seatbelt on," I ordered him. 

Ashton chuckled and did as he was told. I drove out of the parking lot and prayed that no one would be home. 

        Guess my prayers weren't as effective. Mom was home.  What now? 

"You okay?" 

I snapped out of my nervous state as I looked to the source of that voice. 

"Uh, yeah," I stuttered.

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