Chapter 14

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@softballqueen48 wouldn't want you to die :P Thanks for the ongoing support!!


You know that moment when you keep looking down at your phone, even though you've just rechecked it for the twentieth time just a second ago? Yeah, that's what I was doing right about now. I was so anxious for Ashton to call and tell me he's at the turn waiting for me. Just like any other morning, I woke up today to silence. I rushed around as quietly as possible as I got ready for school and made sure I had some spare time to cook something quick for lunch. My breakfast was devoured as I stood anxiously by the door, checking my phone over and over and over again.

Ashton finally arrived. He texted me, informing me that he's right at the turn and to head out. I did what was asked in a flash, but yet, as quietly as possible. Once outside, I walked as fast as my legs could take me to the spot where Ashton was waiting patiently at. The moment I spotted him in his truck was the moment a dreamy, relieved, happy sigh escaped my lips. He met my gaze and smiled. As I got to the passenger's side, Ashton unlocked the door and I instantly hopped in. Once seated and comfortable, I turned and faced my boyfriend. God, I still can not get used to saying that word.

"Hi," I smiled.

Ashton did not respond. He only shook his head with a chuckle and then, taking me totally by surprise, he leaned in closer to me and kissed me. His hand cupped my cheek as his lips pressed onto my own. It took me a while to react, but I managed to snap back and let my hands wrap around his neck, one tentatively traveling into his hair. After a while, we pulled back, smiling.

"I'd much prefer that type of hello in the mornings," Ashton smirked making me laugh.

"We'll see," I shrugged mockingly.

"Hey, as my girlfriend you have to please me, just like I please you," he stated, matter of fact.

I couldn't muster a reply as my mind was reeling around the way he sounded saying 'girlfriend'. This'll never get old.

"You okay?" Ashton squeezed my shoulder tenderly.

"Yeah. I guess I need to get used to the whole girlfriend boyfriend thing," I replied. 

Ashton smiled his genuine sweet smile and interlaced his hand with my own.

"You better, cause I'm planning on having the boyfriend title for a long long while," he chuckled as he started the car and started the drive to our school. 

His words were simple, but yet they meant so much to me.

"Good," I squeezed his hand as to give my one worded answer more meaning and affection. 

I guess Ashton understood as he lifted our interlocked hands and kissed the top of mine, sending me a wink as he diverted his attention to me for only a second.

For some reason, I was beginning to get anxious. The nearer we got to the school gates, the more anxious I was getting.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost," Ashton commented.

I have just spotted something worse; Eric and Sandy.

"Can you park at the back please?" I mumbled, fidgeting in my seat.

Ashton seemed confused but nodded nonetheless. He swerved the car into a parking spot in the back, away from all the students who were waiting by their cars in front of the building's entrance. 

"What's wrong?" Ashton asked once he turned off the ignition and turned to face me.

"Look what I'm about to ask is going to seem very selfish and idiotic okay?" I spluttered out. 

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