Chapter 11

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Kevin. Kevin. Kevin is here. Kevin is in my living room. Kevin is staring at me. He is smirking. Kevin is here. My mind was blank, apart from the repetitions of his name. I was frozen. My feet were grazed into the ground. I didn't know what to do. Why the hell is he here? When did he come? Just as that thought entered my mind, the answer hit me straight in the face. George and my mother left the city in order to get Kevin from the airport. They knew he was coming. They didn't tell me. As I processed it all, my insides twisted and my breathing wasn't as normal. This is bad. This is very bad. Just after I've had the best day, and just after Ashton kissed me, I am greeted with this. My worst nightmare.

       "Don't just stand there," George stated with malice. 

My body didn't know what to do, so I took a mini-step forward. 

"W-What's he doing h-here?" I stuttered. 

His brown eyes bore into my own as his smirk grew wider. 

"Oh come on now Sammy," he spoke up for the first time. 

His voice made me shiver with fear. That venom filled voice

"He's here to visit. He got some weeks off of collage," my mother explained. 

Well she seemed happy to see him! 

"I-um..Wh-" I didn't know what to say. 

"Stop acting like an idiot and go change. We had a long journey and we're starving. So get to it," George commanded. 

My eyes couldn't leave Kevin's so I nodded hesitantly and then quickly left the room, sprinting up the stairs and making a quick dash to my room. Once in, I locked the door and rested my back against the door, calming my breathing. This shouldn't be happening. This can't be happening. I can't go through this again. I had to calm down and think this through. All I had to do was go down there, cook them dinner, and then make an excuse. Yeah, that'll work. I'll finish dinner and then I'll say...I'll say...Dammit, c'mon, what will George agree to? Beer! That's it. I'll say we're out of beer and then he'll order me to go buy some. Okay Sam, you can do this. Just don't show him you're terrified of his presence. 

I moved to my mirror and stared at my reflection. Looks like I've just seen a ghost. I turned around and changed out of my clothes. It's only then that I realized I still have Ashton's hoody on. I inhaled the scent that wafted off of it. Oh Ashton, how I need you right now. I placed it on my chair so I'd give it back to him, then I placed the jersey in my draw. I made sure to put on some baggy clothes, something that won't show my body shape. A baggy grey shirt and some blue jeans. Here we go.

     I could hear their chatters from the living room. I slowly descended down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. Already knowing what to prepare, I got all the ingredients out and all the utensils. I had to do this quick, but the food has to be well prepared. Deciding on a simple chicken platter with some vegetables, salad, and beans, I quickly started preparing the food. It took me around an hour, but thankfully George, Kevin, and my mother were busy in the living room laughing out at something and didn't come into the kitchen. So once dinner was ready I placed everything necessary on the dining table and then moved to the living room. 

"Dinner's ready," I mumbled, my eyes not meeting Kevin's or George's. 

George was the first to get off the couch, clap his hands, rub them together and mutter, "Finally." 

I stayed behind as they all made their way to the kitchen, avoiding Kevin's gaze. When they were seated, I entered the kitchen and stood at the kitchen counter. They were eating their food, so this was my chance. Clearing my throat, I caught their attention and just went right into it. 

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