Chapter 20

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Eight times. I woke up eight times. Sleep wasn't easy this night. I would wake up startled, seeing glimpses of the occurrences of the night. Ashton was right beside me, he'd sense my trembling body jolt awake and he'd hold me close to him, trying to calm me down and slowly helping me back to sleep. In the end, I had woken up eight times and after each time I'd jolt awake, I'd sleep for a few minutes and then the cycle would repeat.

I felt dead tired sitting at the kitchen counter while Ashton helped Carol prepare some breakfast. Anna, I came to know, was always late for breakfast. I could basically hear her upstairs in her room getting herself ready for the day. That girl always had a way of amusing you, whether intentionally or unintentionally. My eyes followed Ashton and Carol as they worked together to prepare breakfast. A soft, yet sad, smile graced my lips as I watched mother and son. They knew each other's every move, they knew exactly what to do as to not overstep one another.

"Anna," Carol yelled to her daughter as she placed breakfast onto the kitchen countertop.

"Coming," Anna called as her footsteps were heard rushing down the stairs.

Anna walked into the kitchen, dressed up and ready for the day. I had no idea what took her so long. Her attire was simply usual. She wore simple ripped jeans, a red checkered shirt over a white tank top.

"Morning," Anna said as she took a seat beside me.

"Morning sweetie," Carol replied to her daughter with a smile.

We all sat by the kitchen counter in the middle of the kitchen where breakfast was set. Ashton sat beside me as Anna sat beside her mother. As soon as we were in our seats, everyone started on their breakfast. I already had a cup of coffee in front of me, so I was sipping the hot drink slowly.

"Sam, sweetie, you need some food in your system," Carol said, smiling softly.

I nodded and grabbed a piece of toast, placing it on my empty plate.

Halfway through the breakfast, Carol decided to end the heavy silence.

"I called my friend at the hospital."

We all looked up at her. I noticed how Ashton shifted in his seat and Anna let out a deep breath.

"We have an appointment for today. She promised this will be between us and no one will know. The tests will be quick and we might get the results by tomorrow," Carol explained, looking at me. "Is that okay with you?"

I looked down to my empty cup of coffee and sighed. Looking back up to Carol, I nodded.

"Okay. I have a late shift tonight, so I'll take you there and be with you okay?"

I smiled at her sadly, "Yeah, sounds good."

Beside me, Ashton stood up and placed his dishes in the sink. He then came back to my side, standing between me and his mother.

"What time is the appointment?" He asked.

"In about three hours, why?" Carol replied to him, looking at her watch before answering her son.

Ashton let out a deep breath and scratched the back of his head. I knew that action, it meant he was trying to work something out in his head and it was taking a toll on him.

"I'm gonna have to call the garage, give an excuse for the day," Ashton huffed.

I knew the job at the garage meant too much to him. He liked working there and he was happy with how quick and good business was with him. So, the moment his words left his lips, I knew I couldn't let him do that.

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