chapter nineteen

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I pushed Hoseok off me right before Jimin opened the doors. "They're gone, lets go." Jimin said and I nodded, quickly getting out of the closet.

"I'm surprised you're back," Hoseok said. "I kinda thought you would run off with them, if not, told them where we were."

"I thought about that," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "But I felt kinda bad for you both."

"Wow, you've changed within the past 24 hours." I said, shocked. "Thanks for not calling us out."

I pat him on the back, trying not making eye contact with Hoseok. "Did something happen between you two in there that I shouldn't know or probably should know about?" Jimin asked, looking at us both.

My cheeks rose up and I slightly looked over at Hoseok who was gazing at me, the corners of her lips tilting up. I quickly looked away and made my way out of the warehouse.

I looked around. "Okay, if we thought we were out of the woods, it doesn't seem like we are." I stated. "Trees are everywhere."

"I guess we're still stuck," Hoseok groaned.

"I need to take a shower!" I whined. "I smell like shit."

"Lets go find a lake somewhere," Hoseok said and my eyes widen.

"I don't want to bathe in a lake."
"Then you don't bathe at all."

I looked over at Jimin who pursed his lips, looking around.

"Why are you so innocent now?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Cause I feel bad for you both," he said.

I furrowed my brows, still confused. Why the sudden change of personality?

"Fine, I'll bathe in a lake, bUT, if I see any of you guys peeking I swear on god you both are dead." I stated and continued walking.


"Don't peek!" I shouted pointing at them both as we found a lake. They blinked twice with emotionless faces.

I glared at them before telling them to turn around and close their eyes.

[Jung Hoseok]

I heard the splashing of water when Haerin got in. I looked at Jimin who was sitting besides me. "I tried to kiss her," I confessed, slightly laughing at myself.

"What the—why are you telling me this?" Jimin slightly laughed, looking at me weirdly.

"Just because I wanted to spit it out you know? Honestly, she told us not to peek, but I want to peek so badly." I confessed again. "I almost kissed her, but you just had to ruin the moment."

"Do you like her?" He asked me. I slowly closed an eye and turned around peeking at her.

"Hoseok you fucking asshole!" She shouted, lowering deeper in the water till it was up to her chin. I couldn't help but bite my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing when I shifted my gaze to Jimin.

"You like her don't you?" He smirked.

"I can't answer that," I said, looking away.

"Then why would you want to kiss her?"

"I have no idea. When we were stuck in the closet together, I just really wanted to. I mean I still do, but the moment in the closet, the air in there felt different."

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