chapter twenty four

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I looked behind me, noticing Yoongi and his crew trying to chase after us. I looked over at Jimin who smirked a little shifting his gaze to the rear view mirror and back to the streets.

"What happened?" I asked, putting on my seatbelt.

"Karma's a bitch," he sighed, his eyes stuck on the road. With my eyes widen in confusion, I stared out the window.

We drove in silence.

When we were far enough away from them, Jimin killed the engine and leaned his head against the wheel. Was he crying?

I uncomfortably stared out the window, thinking about how I should comfort him. Or should I? After all he's done to Hoseok and me? Should I knock him out and throw him out of the car? That's too evil though. I closed my eyes and sighed. Why am I so soft-hearted?

"Why are you so upset?" I asked, about to pat him on the shoulder, but declined.

"I've always thought of them as family..." he mumbled. "This sucks,"

He half laughed, running his hand down his face before looking at me. "I'm so lame aren't I?"

"Yeah, you are. You won't betray me will you? You'll help me with Hoseok?" I asked, getting my hopes up.

"We'll see," he said, starting the engine. I sighed, whilst we rode in silence.

He parked next to where we left Hoseok. I quickly jumped out of my seat, shouting him name as I looked around the whole field, but he wasn't there.

"Jimin!" I shouted. "He's not here anymore!!"

"Why would he?" He scoffed, before getting out of the car. He walked over to me, and gestured me to follow him. He went inside the underground shed I snuck out last time. I went down the ladder and followed as he went inside the camera room.

He pursed his lips at me before switching his gaze to the screen and rewinding back the security cameras. I watched the screen carefully. A car pulled up after we left—it was Hoseok's car. The car that Namjoon took.

I held onto to Jimin's arm, swatting at it from excitement. "Namjoon took him!" I exclaimed.

"Ow, ouch!" He groaned, pushing me away. "Stop hitting me!"

I continued to watch as Namjoon ran out of the car, running to Hoseok. He kept shaking him to wake him up, but he wouldn't. Namjoon picked him up and put him inside the car, before driving the wrong way.

"Wait, why is driving that way!? That way is where Yoongi and them are!"

"I think he's trying to come save you," he said.

"Then we have to go back! They'll kill him! Both him and Hoseok!"

"Don't worry, Namjoon's a smart guy." He said, before walking out. I followed from behind as we got out.

"Where are you going?" I asked, chasing after him as he ran to the car.

"Going to get Namjoon!" He shouted.


We drove all the way back to where Yoongi and them were. They weren't out here anymore, which I guessed they were inside. "Namjoon probably hid somewhere, the car's not here." He said. He got out and gestured me to wait, whilst he looked around for a second.

"Get out," he said, opening the car door for me. I got out and he closed it. "We have to be real quiet," he whispered.

"What if Namjoon is in there?" I asked.

"If he's in there then he's probably hiding, or cautiously looking for you somewhere." He said, looking around. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him. "Stay behind me and watch your step."

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