Chapter 2- The move

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New update :) hope you like it!


**Christina POV**

I woke up and I realized today was my last day in Connecticut, I'm moving TOMORROW. I was planning on hanging out with my friends today and saying bye to them.

So I forced myself out of bed and walked to my closet to take out an outfit, just something casual. So I picked out a crop top that says Living in a Dream and denim Abercrombie shorts. I headed to the bathroom and took a shower then brushed my teeth, put my hair up in a ponytail and did light makeup, all I wear for makeup is a little mascara and sparkly eye shadow. And then I was ready.

I texted Lexi, Gabby, Jherri (pronounced as jerry), and Natalie in a group chat.

Me: Hey do you guys want to go to the park today and hang out before I have to leave tomorrow? :(

Gabby: Sure! Sounds fun. What time?

Natalie & Jherri: yass! We're gonna miss u!

Lexi: sure!! I'll come to ur house first tho cause I'm already ready :)

Me: Ok yay! Umm meet there at 12?? (It was 11:30 now)

Gabby, Natalie, & Jherri: k see u there

Lexi: ok I'll be at your house in 5!

I waited a few minutes and before I knew it I heard a knock on the door, I knew it was Lexi so ran down stairs and opened the door for her. We went up to my room and just talked for what felt like a few minutes but turned out to be 15 minutes. It was now 11:50 so I picked out my white vans and put them on and told my parents where I was going and we left. The park was right up the road from my house so we just walked there.

When we finally arrived we didn't see anyone yet so we went and waited on the swings for them.

A few minutes later we saw Natalie, Jherri, and Gabby walking towards us.

**a few hours later**

It was almost 6:00 so we all left the park but Lexi and Gabby came back to my house and my mom invited them to eat dinner with us, so they did.

After we ate we went up to my room and Lexi and Gabby helped me finish packing the rest of my clothes. I still can't believe I'm going have to leave them tomorrow :(

Lexi, Gabby, and I just talked for a few more hours until it was 9:45. So their moms came and picked them up because it was getting late and I was going to have a tiring day tomorrow so once they left I got ready for bed and slipped into bed and drifted into a deep sleep.

**the next morning**

I woke up to my alarm that I had set last night and it was 6:30 am (ew). I brought the rest of my suitcases down stairs and put them by the door for my dad to pack into the car and got ready.

It was time to leave so my parents got in the front seats and my brother and I sat in the back. Before I knew it we were off to North Carolina. It was 10 hour drive so I tried to fall asleep, which I did.

I woke up to my brother shaking me that we're here, I sighed and sat up. We arrived at our new house and it was huge and beautiful! I quickly ran out if the car into the house and searched the large house, for my room. I finally found it and it was wonderful! The wall were a light ocean blue and my queen size bed was in there also. My desk and dresser were also in there already :)

**a few hours later**

I finally finished unpacking and walked down stairs. No one was home but there was a note on the counter that said:


We went right across the street to the Griers house because they wanted to welcome us to the neighborhood with a dinner and we didn't want to bother you because you were unpacking, so when you are done just come on over and knock on the door we will be there! :)

Love, mom

Great, now I have to go over to our new neighbors house when I'm so tired! Although, the name Grier sounds really familiar I wonder if I know them..

I got ready and walked across the street. I lightly knocked on the door and a tall woman with brown hair opened the door holding an adorable little girl with blonde hair.

"Hi honey, you must be Christina! I'm Ms, Grier but please call me Elizabeth, and this is Skylynn!" Elizabeth said.

"Hi nice to meet you! Awe she is so adorable!" I said

"Thank you, why don't you come in and I will introduce you to my boys" she explained

"Sounds great!" I said

I walked in and Elizabeth called down her sons.

Three boys walked down the stairs, who looked very familiar.. The first one to come down looked about 18-19, then another boys came down with very nice blue eyes and looked about 16. Lastly, a boy came down who looked my age and he had beautiful blue eyes and I was stunned, he was extremely cute!

"This is Will my oldest son, this is Nash, and this is Hayes, he's 13 just like you!" Elizabeth said, introducing them to me.

**Hayes POV**

I heard my mom call my brothers and I downstairs so I went down and I saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life.

"Boys, this is Christina, she just moved in with her family across the street!" My mom said to us.

I was speechless she was just so beautiful!

Nash must have noticed I was staring because he elbowed me a little on my arm so I would stop daydreaming and greet her.

**Christina POV**

I noticed Hayes staring at me and I blushed a little but he didn't seem to notice. He finally walked over to me and asked me if I wanted to go up to his room with him so I said sure.

"So how do you like North Carolina so far?" He asked me.

"Well I just got here today and I've been unpacking all afternoon, but our neighborhood seems really nice!" I answered..

"Oh maybe I can show you around town tomorrow?!" He asked sounding quite excited..

"Sure! Sounds like a lot of fun!"

And then we got called down for dinner so we raced downstairs and ate.

**after dinner**

Hayes and I decided to continue to hang out more after dinner but my parents went home. My brother and Nash became pretty good friends already so my brother stayed also.

Hayes and I just talked for hours up in his room, which felt like it was only a few minutes. I feel like I can tell him anything, in fact we became best friends! We also exchanged phone numbers. It was now 10:30 so I went Nd got my brother from Nash's room and we told Elizabeth thank you for dinner and said goodbye to Hayes and Nash, Skylynn was already asleep so we couldn't really say goodbye to her..

When I got home I got ready for bed and then just sat in my bed thinking about Hayes and his dreamy eyes and perfect smile.. I couldn't wait to see what tomorrow will bring when Hayes shows me around.. :)


So here's the second chapter! I hope you guys like it so far! It's gonna get better still and I think I will update later tonight if I have time!

Thanks guys! ~Christina :)

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