Catwoman x Male Reader

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(F/N) = First name
(L/N) = Last name
(C/N) = Code name
(E/C) = Eye color

Love the only emotion that (F/N) (L/N) wasn't familiar with. F/N) was also known as the (C/N), that name was nearly as feared as batman. Also known as Batman, Bruce Wayne had taught (F/N) nearly everything he knew and allot of lives had been saved because of it.


Normal POV
Tap..Tap..Tap..Tap.. the slight taps that echoed of the bat cave walls were all that (F/N) heard as he was doing research before going on patrol. But soon after finishing scanning the computer with his (E/C) eyes he heard the foot steps of Alfred, Bruce's butler. "Shall you be heading out soon Sir?" Alfred said in his usual monotone voice.

To which (F/N) replied "yea I was just about to head out I just gotta get dressed".

Alfred nodded then advised, "In that case I would suggest the mark 6 of the (C/N) which has just been cleared for deployment". With the conversation finished (F/N) went to collect his armor after which he would start cracking skulls.

------------Time skip brought to you by the father of understanding---------

As (F/N) now the (C/N), gazed down on the city he felt a sense of confidence that he was doing the right thing but still he felt weird. Already he had broke up a mugging, stopped a homicide of a cop, and saved a few hostages that the joker's gang was holding and it only took 2 hours. But he couldn't shake the feeling something was going to go wrong then his communicator in his ear rang so he put his thoughts aside and answered it. "What's up Alfred"

the static like voice of the butler answered back, "good evening Master (L/N) I have a emergency radio transmission coming from the museum".

"Ok i'll check it out thanks Alfred" and (F/N) ended the call getting ready to jump of the building he was on and then he jumped.

-----------------------A short cape glide later------------------------------------

After fighting and knocking out some of the penguins guys, (F/N) made his way towards the iceberg lounge. As soon as he made it he looked over the railing to see the scene before him. Right in the center of the lounge (F/N) saw the penguin over a women who had a bag over her head so he couldn't see her face. (F/N) decided to listen to what the penguin was saying, "Maybe holding a ostage like the cat will draw the bat ear" (Take his accent into account when reading this) (F/N) knew he needed to act fast.

(F/N) jumped of the railing doing front flips as he fell to the ground when he landed a henchmen shouted out, "It's (C/N)"

In a teriffied tone, penguin turned and faced the hero standing before him and his goon's and snorted before replying, "$500 to the person who brings me is head."

That seemed to motivate the masked men to attack the (C/N), "surrender now and you'll only have to spend the night in the hospital". Before the goons finished laughing at his offer the (C/N) picked up one of the men and swung him around knocking the goon and two of the five guys unconscious. The other two men were smart and bolted from the room now it was just the penguin. Immediately the penguin became very nervous he was just about to open his mouth before his nose became broken and he became unconscious.

Now it was time for the hostage after untying her (F/N) took the bag off her head revealing her features. (F/N) had saved hostages before but he'd never seen one dressed like the women before him she was dressed like a cat. But he ignored her appearance and continued with his job and said, "Your safe now"

But before he could leave she said "i didn't need your help"

Slightly taken aback (F/N) replied "well you got it, Why did Penguin want you anyway?" (F/N) pushed. Rolling her green eyes the woman looked at (F/N), "Well bat junior that's for me to know". After the heated debate the mysterious women ran out of the lounge soon after which (F/N) left to head back to the bat cave.

------------------------------Short time skip later--------------------

After reviewing the security tapes outside of the penguin's head quarters (F/N) had used the facial recognition software on the bat computer (F/N) discovered the women name was Selina Kyle a.k.a Cat woman. She probably didn't know much about (F/N) but he knew allot about her she had a long list of felony's assault, petty theft, breaking and entering the list went on for a while. (F/N) knew he had to find her and interrogate her about penguin she could know something.

Once ruling out several leads (F/N) was about to give up when he spotted her making her way along a roof of another building. Seizing the opportunity (F/N) jumped down onto the roof but before he could say anything she beat him to it, "Never had a stalker as persistent as you"

Not wanting to play any more games (F/N) asked "i'm not going to ask again Miss Kyle what did Cobblepot want with you".

Clearly annoyed Selina turned and answered, "I stole something from him he wanted it back and he stopped me, that good enough?" Selina asked with a sound of mockery yet something else was mixed into her voice. Satisfied (F/N) turned and was about to leave when Selina stopped him again standing right in front of his chest. (F/N) watched with his (E/C) eye's as the infamous cat woman dragged a clawed, leather, finger across his chest while looking up at him.

She broke the silence, "You know I never really thanked you before for you know saving my life" and before the (C/N) could react she locked lips with him catching the (C/N) off his guard. After Selina broke away from (F/N) she started purring and then walked away while saying, "Call me some time I know you already have my number". And with that the cat loving women jumped off the building.

As he made his way back to the bat cave, (F/N) felt a new emotion, (F/N) felt love.

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